Monthly Archives: March 2013

Complacent Consumers and the Predicament of U.S. Health Care – Can Empowering Us Turn Things Around ?

by Paul Ballard
March 16, 2013
In a few months time, vital elements of the President’s health care reform plan – the 2010 Affordable Care Act, ACA, or Obamacare – will come into effect. Awaiting this, the U.S. Congress – especially Republicans – have been sounding the alarm on the urgent need for reform of entitlements – most notably Medicaid and Medicare Continue reading

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TMCC (Mating Specialist) conquers 2013 USAT (North) Chess Championship

March 16, 2013
The TMCC Mating Specialist comprises of two US Players and Two Veterans Filipino chess players, IM Angelo Young who originally hails from Quezon City and Expert Florentino Inumerable, who is from Batangas City. The Team Tied for first place in the just concluded USAT Chess Team Championship February 16-17 2013 ( Hyatt Schaumburg Illinois). Continue reading

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Remembering Nanay Azon

March 16, 2013
Corazon “Nanay Azon” Juat, born on August 20,1943 in Bulacan Philippines, passed away peacefully on Friday morning of March 1, 2013 at the University Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio at the age of 69. Continue reading

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On the Issue of Sabah A differing perspective

March 16, 2013
At present, Malaysia through its Philippine Embassy – pays the heirs only 75,000 pesos a year for all that real estate. Arguably, this by itself may be an admission that Malaysia recognizes some rights for the heirs of the original Sulo Sultan owner. Terribly low rent today if the payment in fact represents rent and not payment for the sale of the property. Some say it is rent. Others say it is payment for the sale of the property. Continue reading

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Widespread Philippine indifference towards overseas Filipinos

by Rodel Rodis
March 16, 2013
Delegates attending the 2nd Global Summit of Filipinos in the Diaspora held in Makati on Feb. 25-27 were greatly alarmed by the widespread indifference of many Filipinos in the Philippines towards overseas Filipinos. How is it possible that just when the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) released figures showing record remittances by overseas Filipinos, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) announced the delisting of 238,455 overseas Filipino voters? Continue reading

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Sex libido killers

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.
March 1, 2013
About 33% of men over 40 and as many as 15 million men in the US have erectile dysfunction (ED). While low sexual desire is another condition, ED in men can induce lack of libido because of the awareness, consciousness, and fear of inability to have effective erection during intercourse. The problem of low sex libido is likewise significant among women in general, especially among those with lack of natural vaginal lubrication. Continue reading

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Subic, Sabah, at Spratly

by Fermin Salvador.
March 16, 2013
May tatlong mahahalagang pangteritoryong isyu ang Pilipinas. Lahat ay nagsisimula sa letrang “S”. Subic, Sabah, at Spratly. Naresolba na ang una, ang Subic, matapos tanggihan ng senado na ratipikahan noong 1991 ang tratado sa pagitan ng Pilipinas at US na magbibigay-pahintulot sa pananatili ng mga baseng-militar ng mga Amerikano sa Pilipinas. Ang Subic ang itinuturing noon na pinakamalaking base ng US sa labas ng Amerika. Halos kasinglaki ito ng Singhapor. Continue reading

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HABEMUS PAPAM! -Papal Expectations-

by Fred C. Wilson III
March 16, 2013
There’s something in a name. The previous popes Benedict inherited a Church fraught with sexual scandals, corruption, and general lassitude among the laity. Benedict XII (1334-1342) an Avignon pope was a reformer and noted scholar. Despite his efforts this pontiff failed to curb luxurious lifestyles among the clergy. His bull Benedictus Deus on the Beatific Vision said even after death our souls remain conscious; human consciousness is eternal. Continue reading

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Obama’s SOTU And Sequester—Just Big Government And Tax Increases

by Don Azarias
March 16, 2013
“Medicare is unsustainable and Social Security also needs reform. You have to have a president who is willing to spend some political capital in this. And I intend to spend some.”—President Barack Obama speaking before The Washington Post’s Editorial Board on Jan. 15, 2009. Continue reading

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The Bliss and Mystery of Human Misery: An Open Conclusion

by Arnold De Villa
March 16, 2013
“Les Miserable” has been on the radar for quite a time, not only because of the many awards it has recently gained, but also because it is truly a classic worth revisiting. Anyone who saw the movie or read the book could easily recognize that the three articles I wrote before this was a poor attempt to duplicate the genius of Victor Hugo. I decided to end it with an open letter, supposedly a public confession of “Fantine’s” misery. Continue reading

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