All about foods

The clamor for a healthier lifestyle has transformed society into more conscious, more intelligent, and more discriminating consumers of food and food ingredients. Truth in food labeling is a law that is strictly implemented, especially in the United States. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on this subject. Continue reading

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The fountain of youth

Spanish explorer/conquistador, Juan Ponce de Leon, later appointed Governor of Puerto Rico, is the name often associated with the legend of the fountain of youth. On March 4, 1513, he led the fist European expedition and discovered on April 2, 2013 a verdant land he named “Florida” which he believed where the fountain of youth was. Continue reading

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Pope Francis on ecology

As the first pontiff to speak before the Joint Congress of the United States, Pope Francis challenged the United Nations for peace and environmental justice, as he placed blame “for the exploitation of natural resources on a selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity.” At the same time, the Pope endorsed the efforts of the United Nations to reach global compact to fight poverty and climate change.” Continue reading

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Practical medical pearls

Soft drinks sales down; sparkling water up
As we have discussed a few times in this column since 1997, soft drinks are toxic, especially for children. They increase the risk for metabolic syndrome. Because of all the revelation in the various media of the dangers of soft drinks, cola or uncola, caffeinated or decaf, diet or not, are all unhealthy for us, people around the world are recognizing the problem and have switched to “water with fizz,” sparkling seltzer water, pure water that is healthier. Continue reading

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OSA triples death risk

OSA, used to be a stealth killer very few people, even physicians, knew about or focused on, is now more visible on radar, thanks to more widespread data coming out in the medical literature and lay media. This would definitely save more lives from this preventable killer.
What is OSA? Continue reading

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Sex among seniors

Sex is usually associated with individuals who are younger than age 50 and the convention says sex belongs to the younger persons. At least that’s what many people think. But scientifically and realistically, that impression is a myth. Most of us are actually sexier than society presumes. All that is healthy and no longer a social taboo. Continue reading

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Ways to prevent cancers

Cancer is the second among 10 leading causes of deaths in the United States and in many other developed countries around the world, just below heart disease, the # 1 killer. In the USA in 2014, more than half a million (576.691), almost 1,600 people a day (yes, PER day!), died of cancer.
Are you at risk? Continue reading

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Do you have stomach ulcer?

What is stomach ulcer?
Stomach ulcer, also known as gastric ulcer or peptic ulcer, as the second part of the name suggests, is a “wound, an open sore,” in the mucosa (inner wall) that penetrates the muscle layer of the stomach or of the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine attached to the stomach). The symptom is typically burning, gnawing or hunger pains in the epigastric (stomach pit) area, often relieved by food or antacids. Continue reading

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Brain pill: a hoax?

Alzheimer’s Disease is an ailment more dreaded and feared than most illnesses, including cancer. The mere thought of losing ones mind, of having a brain with less capacity than of a helpless newborn, is very scary, to say the least. The severe stage of dementia robs the victim of all thought processes, memories, and intelligence, leaving the person in total mental darkness, oblivious of his environment and the people around him. Continue reading

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When depression hits

What is depression?
Depression is a state of emotion where the individual has some or all of the following senses, feelings or moods: downhearted, unhappy, anxious, irritable, unable to concentrate, socially withdrawn, empty inside, has inordinate fatigue and reduced interest in activities which used to be fun, hopelessness, indecision, impaired sleep, misery, helplessness, confusion, monosyllabic speech or abnormally quiet. Continue reading

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