Monthly Archives: July 2015

Sea of Life!

I stepped out along miles of wave-ribbed strand
Striding strongly away from shore into the sea
Waves like a crowd of others long departed Continue reading

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The DFA’s position on the boycott of China-made goods

The banner headline of one Filipino American newspaper was “No to China boycott, says homeland”. This and other similar headlines were drawn from the news article which appeared in the Manila Bulletin on June 19, 2015 (“DFA says no to China boycott of China-made goods” by Roy Mabasa) which covered the response of Charles Jose, the spokesman of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), to a press query about whether the DFA was supporting the boycott of China goods initiated by the US Pinoys for Good Governance (USP4GG). Continue reading

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Sex among seniors

Sex is usually associated with individuals who are younger than age 50 and the convention says sex belongs to the younger persons. At least that’s what many people think. But scientifically and realistically, that impression is a myth. Most of us are actually sexier than society presumes. All that is healthy and no longer a social taboo. Continue reading

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Paggunita sa SEATO

Ang di masyadong tahimik na tunggalian sa Kanlurang Karagatan ng Pilipinas o West Philippine Sea (WPS), na ang Tsina ay nagpapakita ng agresibo at unilateral na pagkilos tungo sa pag-angkin at okupasyon sa mga pulo at pulu-puluan dito ay nagbubunsod ng mga re-ebalwasyon sa mga pinaiiral na istratehiya at alyansahan ng mga bansang may interes sa mga teritoryong nasasangkot. Continue reading

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The papal encyclical Laudato Si’ (Blessed are you.) states the obvious. Every point mentioned in Pope Francis’ letter I’ve read or heard before from environmentalists, social activists and scientists including your beloved writer in articles past. Howeve,r having the Pope take an in depth stance is something else since the Holy Father’s words carry immense weight. Continue reading


Why Are You Here?

While I push myself to deliver, I struggle against the shuttering of my eyelids against the backdrop of a night shift, stretching vigilance for an hour before sleep takes over. As always, my intent to read is overshadowed by my desire to interact, my wish to chat, and to talk to anyone who would care to linger with my words. Thoughts are sparse. Memory expires. Words are cheap. But if we do not respond, react or transmit what we receive, decadence will set its normal course, and digression will lead to nothing. Continue reading

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Invisible Pain

1. A Widow

Widowed at age 60,
They asked why
She didn’t cry
She didn’t act the part. Continue reading

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One People, One Nation

Ten years ago I wrote an article at a time when there was a move to partition the Philippines into five independent nations based on ethnic or religious differences. Some Filipinos are of the belief that because of our differences, we are incompatible with one another. They believe that we are better off as separate nations and separate people. Continue reading

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We Need Both Insiders and Outsiders in Congress

Members of Congress get categorized in all sorts of ways. They’re liberal or conservative; Republican or Democrat; interested in domestic affairs or specialists in foreign policy. Continue reading

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Julie Anne San Jose completes 3 music videos in San Francisco and New York

July 1, 2015
Asia’s Pop Sweetheart Julie Anne San Jose wrapped up shooting for three music videos in San Francisco and New York. It was a co-production with VIM Entertainment, a Los Angeles-based company. GMA Records will distribute the three music videos worldwide. Continue reading

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