

How much sex is safe?

Can ARBs reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s?

ARBs or Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers are very popular drugs used for the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure. They also reduce the adverse effects of high blood pressure or diabetes on the kidneys, thus preventing kidney failure. Beta amyloid, a “sticky” toxic brain protein seen on autopsies in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims is the primary pathology among them. The higher the blood cholesterol level, the higher the risk for beta amyloid deposition in the brain, which destroys the brain cells and replaced them with amyloid plaques. In the arteries, the rock-hard calcium plaques inside the arteries which block them are caused by cholesterol deposts. New studies show that ARBs reduces amyloid accumulation in the brain and may have a protective effect on the cognitive function of the brain and lowers the risk for dementia or Alzheimer’s by an impressive 53 percent. The other class of drugs for high blood pressure, ACE inhibitors, did not show the same beneficial “side-effects.”

Are junk foods endangering our children?

Yes, junk foods in general, including processed foods (hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, canned goods, any processed food items) and carbohydrates (sugars, sweets) are adversely affecting the DNA of our children. Adults are not exempt from these unhealthy effects of these harmful foods either. Among the culprits, which adults, and especially kids, should stay away from are soft drinks (which I call liquid candies) of any kind, and other sugary foods, like cakes, candies, cookies, ice cream, corn and rice cereals, sweets in general). Not visiting fast food restaurants is healthier for the kids and the rest of us. More than two cups of rice a day is too much, if we are to lessen our risk of developing diabetes. Eating a lot of rice and not enough vegetables are the reasons why the Philippines has an epidemic of diabetes and obesity (diabesity!) even among children as young as 6 or 8. And these are preventable illnesses!!!

Is arsenic found in rice?

Yes, arsenic is found in different varieties of rice in the market today, some higher than others, and in some, the level is higher than what is deemed safe arsenic level in water, says recent reports from the FDA, Consumer Reports, and Lisa Madigan, attorney general in Illinois, who is doing arsenic level testing in food in that State. Two hundred different rice products (organic and non-organic) were tested and the recommendation is for adults and kids to watch their rice intake since arsenic is linked to cancer and heart disease. The investigation continues.

“First and foremost, I want to warn parents that every rice cereal product we tested contained arsenic. These results are shocking because rice cereal is often a baby’s first solid food,” Madigan says. “Parents and caregivers should moderate the amount of rice products they feed their children.”

Are coconut oil and Axona effective against Alzheimer’s?

Coconut oil and Axona (food supplement?) are both high in calories and saturated fats. They are both advertised to be good in preventing Alzheimer’s, among other diseases. There is no credible evidence either of them do, and those consuming them are wasting their money. Some people using them even had gastrointestinal side-effects. On the other hand, eating a lot of fish (for its omega 3 contents), vegetables, high-fiber nuts and whole grains, fruits, and daily exercises (physical and mental) are a boon in reducing risk for the development of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Not to mention cancer. So, watch your diet, and start brisk walking or “running” (away) daily from potential brain dysfunction, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Queries from readers

Is a dog’s mouth cleaner then human’s?
That’s a very popular myth. It is true that the mouth of humans contains billions of germs, actually more than the entire human population of the world whenever we fail to brush, a dog’s mouth is not cleaner than ours. So, let’s continue and concentrate on kissing humans.

How fast does food on the floor pick up bacteria?

There is another commonly circulated misinformation: that if food falls to the floor and you pick it up within 5 seconds, it is still germ-free. This is false. Germs are faster than us. The moment the food hits the floor, no matter how clean it might be, bacteria clings to the food within that split second. So, forget the race. From the floor, food items should go to the garbage.

Is it normal not to empty the bowels daily?

Daily bowel movement, once or twice a day, is normal for most people. Doing it once every two days, regularly, is still acceptable. If the movement is down to once or twice a week, the body system loses its chance to clean itself of toxic waste within it. The best thing to do is to eat a lot of high-fiber foods, like vegetables and fruits, fish, nuts, drink a lot of water, and do daily exercises, instead of taking drugs to induce bowel movements. These medications can lead to bowel-mind-dependence on them, which is not safe. Some food items that can constipate are red meats, bananas, guavas, apples, tea, etc., items that are useful when one has diarrhea.

How much sex is safe?

This question was emailed to us by a reader who was actually asking “if having sex twice a day” was safe. Since he did not give his age, I presumed he and his mate were in their teens or twenties. Safe sex is healthy but not a numbers game. There are so many factors involved, not only age and general health. As long as the partners are healthy, free of any infection, and using proper precaution, medical science has not found nor set any upper (safe) limit as to how much sex people may have in a day. This depends on the partners. As individuals get older, the frequency is expected to normally slow down. The same answer is applicable to masturbation, which is medically considered normal and healthy. Among older adults, this release, like prostatic massage, is said to lower the risk for prostatic cancer.

Is megadose vitamins beneficial?

We have answered this question in this column a few years ago. The answer was (and still is): No, megadose vitamins is not necessary, nor useful. As a matter of fact, taking megadose vitamins could pose health hazards to the liver and the kidneys and other organs of the body. It also hurts the pocketbook, for no justifiable reason. The same is true about almost all of the so-called food supplements on the market today. They are only healthy for the bank accounts of the manufacturers and vendors of these useless and potentially dangerous products in this trillion-dollar food supplement industry. One multiple vitamin and mineral pill, vitamin D3, and omega 3 daily are sufficient, together with a healthy diet and at least 30-minutes daily of physical exercise. Nothing beats the natural healthy lifestyle strategy for well-being and longevity.

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