

THE SOULMATE CONSPIRACY The Rise of the Homosexual (Part 2)

by Fred C. Wilson III
February 1, 2013
“…and they called to Lot and said to him, ‘Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.’ But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, and said, ‘Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly.’” *Gen 19:5-8*

Redefining marriage is like redefining nature impossible. The union of male and female isn’t a religious institution but a natural occurrence. Males of all species breed with females of similar species and produce young. Human beings devote ceremony to the union of man and woman and call it marriage. The sexual anatomical parts of all species complement their own kind. So-called ‘gay marriage’ is not only contrary to nature but an absurdity. There’s no such ‘animal’ no matter how the Gay Rights movement try to ram it through the legislatures and down the throats of the people. Only twisted human beings in their arrogance would attempt to usurp the laws of nature to satisfy their sexual capriciousness. All creatures instinctively know breeding perpetuates the species; only fools deny the obvious.
Chicago’s Roman Catholic Cardinal Francis George’s recent letter to Catholics and other concerned parties urging them to challenge the State of Illinois’ proposed gay marriage bill, in my opinion, makes perfect sense. To oppose this bill is no more homophobic than criticizing certain polices of the State of Israel anti-Semitic. In this supposed land of free speech so long as opinions aren’t slanderous, they are the prerogative of every American citizen. All religious/non-religious bodies are free to challenge gay marriage legislation through the United States Constitutional court system. Homosexual persons and organizations are free to challenge traditional religious views regarding same sexuality in the open forum. Free exchange of ideas/opinions is vital in a democracy. Regretfully the open forum resembles a battle field replete with threats or actual violent encounters between divergent parties. Case in point: the vociferous protest that takes place at the foot of the stairs of Chicago’s Catholic Holy Name Cathedral every Valentine’s Day weekend staged by various gay rights organizations are very vocal encounters. Hapless worshippers are forced to dodge verbal attacks by gay protestors as they leave the church while city police stand by to maintain order.
Homosexuals have come a long way since Stonewall. The Gay Rights Movement has become a force to be reckoned with. No longer the colorful clowns of earlier Rights parades the movement now count among its’ followers legions of gay and straight folk all the way up to the high corridors of political and economic power. Bolstered by the virulently anti-Catholic/ Evangelical popular/academic media human thoughts and opinions are being reformed in tune with the gay agenda on a global basis.
The cardinal’s letter repeatedly stressed that Christianity isn’t anti-gay. How could it be; racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia and all evil ‘isms’ discount the merit of all religious acts performed by the hater. Christians must love and respect homosexual persons whether they like to or not. However we don’t have to put up with their coercive tactics- legislative, judicial, culturally and otherwise. The Master says love your neighbor not kiss their butts – big difference. The cardinal went on to say “The Church asks if a man and woman proposing to marry are mature, responsible and free, willing to commit themselves to one another before the Lord…” Can gay people maintain this high degree of loving commitment to their partners; of course they can. This writer has no doubt that devoted gay couples can be loyal, loving, and dedicated in their homosexual relationships just as straight couples are in theirs but you still can’t call gay couplings marriages. For their sake, I personally wish it were different but nature’s laws are unchangeable. Legalizing homosexual unions as ‘marriages’ is like attempting to cram an elephant into a mini-cooper;it’s impossible. Cardinal George is only calling ‘em like he sees ‘em.
In recent years homosexual militancy has increased almost to the point of violence. Publications perceived being anti-gay (See: ‘The Sexual Dead End’ by Stephen Green-1992) go quickly out of print. Speakers perceived unsympathetic to the Gay agenda are shouted down, blackballed, trashed in print and at Gay Pride parades. Churches have been vandalized, services interrupted by angry gay militants, and the Holy Sacrament desecrated. Given the apathy, religious timidity and aforementioned theological ignorance of ordinary American Christians in view of the all out gay onslaughts against traditional society particularly the marriage institution, I don’t see any way of halting the inevitable. Its’ only a matter of time before Gay ‘marriage’ with all rights, benefits and privileges of traditional marriage, will be the law of this land; as the United States goes, so goes the rest of the world.
As I type this article I read that the Pentagon is gradually loosening restrictions against same sex couples; a football coach is being censured over opinions made regarding gays. This is a prelude to sanctioning ‘marriage’ between same sex couples. Though written as a joke according author Stephen Green, the ‘Gay Manifesto’ (Search: ‘Full text of the Gay Manifesto…’) is one scary piece of writing. Time and space don’t permit an elaboration. If the homosexual community wants understanding and toleration from their straight counterparts they should practice the toleration they preach. History has proven that a roused majority can do mean and nasty things to a despised minority. In the wake of 9/11 the Muslim community serves as a prime example.
Let me reiterate the Christian Church doesn’t hate homosexuals or anyone. Like any good parent she only wants what she knows is best for her children; Christian doctrine was inspired to be the instrument of our Salvation hence needs to be obeyed. Cardinal George concluded by saying that “If we ignore in law the natural complementality of man and woman in creation, then the natural family is undermined. Our individual lives become artificial constructs protected by civil ‘rights’ that destroy natural rights. Human dignity and human rights are then reduced to the whims of political majorities. When the ways of nature and nature’s God conflict with civil law, society is in danger. It is to that danger that we direct your attention.” In essence civil law devised by politicians can never usurp Divine Law; to do so would court untold disaster infecting countless future generations. Case in point: African slavery and colonialism though legal in the 1500’s have lethal effects that are still doing untold damage today with little end in sight.
The Chicago archdiocese has many programs for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. For homosexual persons who may read this article they should use their search engines to locate gay activities and services provided them by their respective religious communities. I’ve searched the ‘Net top to bottom including the Chicago Archdiocesan website for a copy of the Cardinal’s letter. Tried as I did I couldn’t locate an original text anywhere; plenty of interpretations but no full text though I have a copy in front of me next to my computer screen I got from church. Next edition ‘Momento Mori-Extreme Lent’ our prelude to Easter; GOD bless. (
