

Of Choices and Consequences And warming up for the New Year

How often has something like this happened to you? You’re driving in the highway and after following a slow moving vehicle for a while, you decided to change lanes only to find out the lane you had left would ease up and move much faster than the one you changed to. And before you know it, you’re left eating the dust of the cars behind you from the previous lane. Worse yet, you couldn’t get back into that lane as no one would let you in. It sucks, right?
And have you ever felt like hearing a “voice” in your mind telling you something but ignored it and sure enough, that split second of mindless decision got you into trouble? After proving the “voice” right, you think you’ve learned to listen to it the next time, but no. You just kept ignoring it and thus, got into trouble again… and again… Isn’t that what we used to call ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), that sixth sense that warns us of impending trouble or danger but often gets brushed aside for expediency?
Our pastor always says he hears the voice of God and he makes decisions based on God’s biddings. He teaches us to communicate with God and to learn to listen to His voice. It isn’t easy though. I’ve never been lied to by that voice which I now believe to be the Holy Spirit’s but I kept ignoring it and ending up broken. I guess my problem isn’t about hearing but about listening and it’s something I have to work on if I must harness the benefits of that “voice.” Thank God it has not deserted me despite my seemingly obstinate mindset.
Life, indeed, is a series of choices we make and the consequences we must bear. We go through life making decisions, be they big or small. And like it or not, we either suffer or relish their consequences. Nevertheless, we live to cross that same bridge again and again and needless to say, we choose to repeat ourselves, not to commit another wrong decision but simply to take action, move forward and just keep on living. For to live, we ought to keep going and not get stuck in a situation, especially in a bad one. We calculate our chances, weigh our options, look back to our past experiences and listen to our instincts. These things we do, prior to making our choices. Some of us learn our lessons from previous experiences and get better with time. Others never do and only get worse with every mistake or failure they make.
As the end of 2012 draws near, I find myself doing the same thing I did around this time last year. I sit down and ponder on the things I have done throughout the year, the decisions I made, their consequences and how they impacted my life. Knowing what I did wrong, how and why, and what I could have done different to make it right is a step in the right direction. It’s moving forward, not in reckless abandon but with caution and a carefully thought out plan.
Retracing my steps in 2012 is like warming up for a yearlong journey in 2013 – knowing better, if not the best, routes to take and the ones to avoid, discovering new roads and learning to wiggle myself through traffic and still coming out in one piece, metaphorically, that is.
A good part of this journey is coping with the ever rising demands of the 21st century technology. I am slowly but surely training myself to explore the new tools of my trade and hoping that in time and soon, I’ll learn to use them with more ease and confidence. Again, it won’t be easy but my willingness to take on the challenge is, in my opinion, a good place to start.
I’ll have a list of things to do or goals to reach by month. I’ll keep a mental record of these plans to keep track of my own pace and outcomes. I’ll learn from the pros, the successful people I meet and write about. Their success will be my inspiration and their struggles my own challenges.
The year 2013 can never be just another year. We ought to believe it’s a new beginning for those who had it tough in 2012. It’s a fresh start and a reason to break free from the bondage of our past. Whatever didn’t work then could be fixed now if we don’t give up.
Perhaps we can prune our surroundings – FORGIVE and FORGET the people who pull us down instead of pulling us up. For like dead branches to a tree or a shrub, they don’t only make us look ugly, they also stunt our growth and make us feel miserable. Instead, rally the people who have shown us kindness and respect and trust us for who we are. Soak in the positive energy they give off until we, too, become strong, confident and just like them, SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY. Meanwhile, it’s Christmas. Don’t sulk. Get up and spread blessings and cheers all around us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year y’all!
