

Sex diseases from toilet seats and other questions

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.
November 1, 2012
Can diet and exercise prevent diabetes?
While diabetes is hereditary, clinical studies around the world have proven beyond doubt that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by diet and daily exercise alone. It is not true that children with one, or even both parents being diabetics, are doomed to be diabetics. Yes, their risk to develop the disease is higher than children who do not have a family history of diabetes, but with disciplined calorie control and daily physical exercise, even those so-called borderline diabetics or pre-diabetic can ward off diabetes through diet and exercise. Eating a lot of rice and other carbohydrates (soft drinks, bread, ice cream, candies, cakes, etc), increases the risk for the disease, which ravages the entire body, from eyes to toes, and shorten lives. Diabetes, like heart attack, stroke, and cancer, is best prevented.

Can sun exposure cause skin cancer?
Yes, without a doubt, chronic and prolonged sun exposure can cause skin cancer. Skin cancer is more prevalent in countries where people frequently expose themselves for hours to the rays of the sun, like in the United States. While sun-blocker skin cream might help, it is not guaranteed to prevent skin cancer. As a matter of fact, some of them contain chemicals (one of them benzophenone) that are themselves suspected to cause skin cancer. Having a chest X-Ray once a year, or even more often, if medically needed, is safer than a prolonged and chronic exposure to the sunlight.

Can aspirin help prevent cancer of the colon?
Yes, on top of its good cardiovascular effect by lowering the incidence of heart attack and stroke, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), the popular old fashioned home remedy for headaches and pains, has been found to be beneficial also in lowering the risk of cancer of the colon. Many physicians themselves take aspirin (80 mg, as in baby aspirin) once a day for prophylaxis against heart attack and stroke. Since aspirin, like any drug, have possible serious side effects, like stomach bleeding, etc., it is prudent for everyone to do this under the guidance and supervision of a physician.

Can one catch venereal diseases from toilet seats?
No. Venereal diseases (like gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, chlamydia, etc.) are sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and are spread around through sexual intercourse. The toilet-seat excuse used by some men in the past no longer work today because, wives or girlfriends are now better informed and smarter. Dirty toilet seats can, of cause, cause skin infection, and if the hands are contaminated by it, it could cause gastroenteritis, diarrhea from contaminated food touched by unclean hands.

Are there foods that prevent cancer?
Yes, broccoli and strawberry, for instance, have been tagged as colon-cancer -lowering foods. Fish, vegetables and fruits in general are wholesome food, compared to red meats (like pork and beef), eggs and butter, which are high in cholesterol and can cause arteriosclerosis (hardening of the artery), leading to arterial blockages in the heart and brain, etc. The high fiber contents of fruits and vegetables, especially the green-leafy ones, have a “brushing” and “cleansing” mechanical action on the colon walls, besides the beneficial antioxidant and healthy nutrient effects of fish, fruits and vegetables. Most spices also boost the immune system and help prevent illnesses, including cancer. Other high fiber foods include bran and wheat cereals, and oatmeal. The other breakfast cereal “-flakes” on the market are not as healthy and nutritional as those three.

Are “food supplements” necessary for good health?
No, not really, if one is eating properly. Most of those products advertised are not necessary to attain good health. As long as the economic incentive is there, opportunists will abound with their bank accounts open, for us, the public, to transfer our money to. And without any laws in the book on this matter to protect the public, it behooves all of us to take extreme caution against the rampant gimmicks on the market today. I guarantee you that you will feel better if you keep your money under your pillow, or better yet, in your own bank account.
To have a healthy body and mind, all you have to do is to (1) eat right (fish, fruits and vegetables, staying away from red meat and eggs); (2) take a regular one-a-day multivitamin supplement manufactured by a reputable company; (3) have 6-8 glasses of filtered water a day, two or more glasses of which could be skim milk;(4) have at least 6-8 hours of sleep a day; (5) quit smoking; (6) exercise daily, like ballroom dancing and/or aerobics and/or walking; (7) manage stress by lightening up, enjoying yourself, listening to music that soothes you, reading a good book, listening to good jokes, going out with family members or friends on weekend outings or regular vacations; and, (8) visit your physician at least once a year, and your dentist every six month, or more often when needed.

Is it safe to take sleeping pills?
Hypnotics (sleeping pills), like any other drugs, must be taken only under the direction of a physician. This is one drug that is most commonly used and abused. This could also be habit-forming or addicting. If you had taken a nap in the afternoon, you may not feel sleepy at night; or, if you are excited or tensed and uptight, your adrenaline will keep you stimulated and awake. This is one reason why we recommend a glass of red wine at supper time, if you enjoy wine, to relax you and also to protect your heart. If possible, I suggest staying away from sleeping pills. Check with your physician.

Does tuberculosis always cause cough?
No. Pulmonary Tuberculosis does not always present itself with a cough. While cough is a most common symptom, majority of patients do not show any symptom at all except perhaps a complaint of “not feeling well.” This is true even when the chest x-ray already shows distinct signs of tuberculosis. Before the effective drugs against tuberculosis were discovered, the disease behaved almost like cancer, spreading throughout the body, killing the patient. Today, pulmonary tuberculosis is curable. In the past decade or so, there have been reports of drug-resistant forms of the disease. For prophylaxis and health maintenance, it is a good practice to have a regular annual medical check-up, or sooner if you have some concerns about your well-being.
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