

ANTI-CLERICALISM Could it happen in America Part Two

by Fred C. Wilson III
July 1, 2012
“Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
-President George Washington-

The American Christian Church appears to be dying. We’ve lost the moral high ground to pop psychologists, leftist authors, celebrities, and talk show hosts. Secular humanism has filled the spiritual void in the American soul. American styled Darwinism has rendered our country ripe for religious persecution. No two major systems of thought can coexist in a single entity; one must increase the other must decrease. Christianity and Secular Humanism is in a fight to the death.
Can it happen here in the ‘land of the free and home of the brave;’ uh-huh. With each court battle lost, a hostile media incessantly chipping away at the doctrinal corners of Christianity the Universal Church is in retreat. Moral apathy is rendering Christians impotent. With abortion clinics sprouting up like back alley weeds in Black and Latino neighborhoods, gay marriage’s a bill away from legalization doesn’t help matters much. The latest outrage against Christianity is our government forcing religious health care providers to fund contraceptive and sterilization services. These and other signs are harbingers of greater dangers ahead. This writer predicts that if this trend continues within 50 years the bodies of burning Christians tied to lamp posts may be illuminating city streets. In 64 AD Emperor Nero torched Roman Christians and the Temple at Jerusalem. The coming persecution won’t be a ‘Christian thing’ but will involve all believers. This scenario may seem far fetched, and I hope it is, but it can easily happen.
Anti-Christian pogroms occurred in Russia during and shortly after the Revolution of 1917. Mass executions of Christians took place in Mexico during the 1920’s as elaborated in part one of this series. Nazi Germany during the 1930’s through 1945, Argentina and Brazil (1970’s), Central America (1980’s), Cuba (1959 to present), in China and North Korea as you read this article all had spilled their share of Christian blood. If Christians in other countries can be raped, robbed, tortured, dispossessed, and killed what makes us so special?
Anti-clericalism is a historical movement that opposes clergy for reasons of their actual/alleged power and influence in all aspects of public/political life of a people. Life is war in which only the strong survive and the rich thrive. Open your eyes! Go to nature! All animals kill and eat others smaller than themselves. In the macro-universe larger stars feed off smaller stars until there’s nothing left and black holes are the ultimate cosmic terrorists. Super galaxies gobble smaller ones and so it goes. No matter your religious/political persuasion old Charlie Darwin was into some serious stuff. With a weak Christian Church with watered down doctrine and a flurry of evil ‘isms’ stinking up the ranks, Christianity in America is going the way of the Dodo.
In my opinion President Obama’s contraceptive health care bill is just a start. Win or lose in November in time other presidents will undoubtedly take sterner measures against a weakening Christianity. It stands to reason. The Obama mandate is an example of the growing reality of all that’s bad with the big picture. The Gospel life is the only antidote to the unholy trinity of corporate greed, anti-God legislation, and secularism three diseases of the human soul. If Christians like their more fervent Muslim sisters/brothers, sans their fanaticism, little of the aforementioned anti-Christian discrimination would have happened. Freedom ain’t free Reader. Like your block (neighborhood) you gotta’ defend it 24/7.
The Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination in our country. It’s the number one stumbling block to the secularist conquest of the American soul. The mass defections among Catholics over the child sex abuse allegations by clergy, the bishops cover ups, discontent among Protestant faithful over fiscal mismanagement and pandering preachers (I’m beginning to see people text during Mass.) don’t help the Church’s Divine mission. Cripple and destroy the American Catholic Church and smaller Christian denominations will soon follow suit. If successful in time the secularists will hobble if not destroy American Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and other religions. Stop reading this article and go to: I’m no fan of Glen Beck but this time the man makes some serious sense. His video is a must see.
The Obama administration from what I’ve read and from homilies I’ve heard appear to have it in for Catholic and Evangelical sexual teaching the healthcare issue in particular. For a political unknown who rose rapidly through the ranks as (my opinion) an absentee U.S. senator, presidential policies appear to be succeeding at what other politicians have desired in their heart of hearts to hobble if not eventually destroy the moral authority of the Christian Church. What goes in America catches fire to the rest of the world a world that look to this country as a beacon to the future. The Philippines, a country that tries hard to emulate all things white and American, will more than likely play follow the leader. If you didn’t read my previous article on President Obama’s Healthcare bill you can access it online at: along with past articles of fellow writers.
Here’s what U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) says about governmental intrusion into the internal affairs of religious healthcare providers: “The Obama Administration’s obsession with forcing mandates on the American people has now reached a new low by violating the conscience rights and religious liberties of our people…under this President, we have a government that has grown too big, too costly and now even more overbearing by forcing religious entities to abandon their beliefs…” Rubio does favor some parts of the bill. You’re saying to yourself, “What can I do? I’m only one man/woman. Who’ll listen to me?” Plenty but you gotta’ make your lone voice heard. I’m big on letter writing. I’ve seen many positive changes resulting from my letter writing campaigns. When the Mexican soul was on the line during the Cristero War valiant Mexicans stood up and were counted. Many paid the disciple price in blood, humiliation, exile, and seizure of property. Why can’t we ‘Norte Americanos’ ‘man/woman up’ for our religious rights those heroic Mexicans? The soul of our country is being challenged by the forces of evil. Our problems with tyranny (big government/corporate power elite) can escalate quickly into a full scale religious persecution unless we actively participate in the Way of Jesus Christ. Read/live Scripture passages that deal with the spiritual warfare and General Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ and bone up for the coming conflict. Viva Christo Rey!
Ever wonder what its like to have sex in outer space; how extreme environments affect coital activity millions of miles from Earth? This and other space sex related issues will be discussed in ‘Sex in Space-Making Whoopee a Million Miles High’ our next Philippine Adventures; GOD bless.
