

WHEN THE REVOLUTION COMES The intensifying world revolt-Part 1

by Fred C. Wilson III
January 1, 2012

“When the Revolution comes…you know its revolution ‘cause there won’t be no commercials.”
-The Last Poets-

Occupy Everything!
Ain’t life grand; just full of surprises? Just when I thought the human race was about to max out, especially our young folks whose lives seemingly center around video games, X-boxes, cellular telephones, Blackberries (sex, booze, and football of course) and a host of very expensive high tech toys, GOD pulls a fast one. The Occupy Movement arrived on the human scene to rouse our consciences to more serious concerns of world justice and freedom from poverty.

The Occupy movement is an international protest pressure group which is primarily directed against economic and social inequality. Based on French revolutionary thought (The French ‘go way back’ when it comes to starting revolutions, protest movements, and inventing other earth shaking ideas.). “Since ‘Occupy Wall Street’ which began on September 17, 2011 Occupy protests had taken place or were ongoing…The first Occupy protest to receive wide coverage was Occupy Wall Street in New York City, which began on September 17, 2011. By October 9th Occupy protests had taken place or were ongoing in over 95 cities across 82 countries, and over 600 communities in the United States. As of December 10 the Meet up page ‘Occupy Together’ listed 2,720 Occupy communities worldwide.” This movement has taken the world by storm! (Source: Wikipedia ‘Occupy Movement.’)
As I write this column the New York City Occupy group is working side-by-side with the Coalition for the Homeless of that city. They are reopening foreclosed properties to the myriads of New York City squatters who otherwise have to live in the streets or, for the lucky ones, in homeless shelters. (Source: Chicago Tribune 12/29/11)

A few weeks ago Occupy Chicago shut down the La Salle Street Bridge near my home. In Oakland, California the movement and police are still at each others throats! Branches of the Occupy Movement are confronting civil authorities in Colorado Springs, New Orleans, Boston, New York City, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and most cities across the country! According to United Press International there are even plans to occupy the Iowa Caucuses and the Rose Bowl! The Occupy Movement is in Canada, Europe and President Obama’s state campaign headquarters! The demonstrators at Obama’s headquarters plan to raise issues of ending the Afghan War, campaign finance reform, higher costs for education and healthcare. As the movement continues to gather global momentum, in time it may become ‘Occupy Planet Earth.’ (Source: www.upi.comTop_News/US/2011)

Arab Spring
Nobody can second guess GOD. Reader you tell me but who would have thought that people living in Islamic countries would become pillars of secular protest? For years I’ve hinted that the Islamic world will eventually unite into a single Muslim empire and give non-Muslims holy hell culminating in a possible third world war. My argument collapsed like a house of cards on December 18, 2010. Mr. Mohamad Bouazizi set himself ablaze in protest over police brutality and government corruption by the then Tunisian government. The self-immolation of one man set off a firestorm that would engulf the Arab world. Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Libya, Syria, and other Muslim countries all part of ‘Arab Spring.’

A Second Russian Revolution
For almost a century Russia (Soviet Union) that once mighty titan of terror and its arch-rival, the United States, have been going at it. After almost blowing us up along with the rest of Planet Earth into little itty-bitty nuclear pieces in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis there’s finally some semblance of peace of earth. With the Cold War over, we don’t need goofy politicians messing up.
Russia historically always had some of the world’s more brutal leaders. Starting with local warlords, then came the Vikings-even St. Olga of Kiev considered by both Roman and Orthodox churches as ‘Equal to the Apostles’ for her role in converting Russia to Christianity used to roast people alive, torture animals, scald her enemies to death, executed and incinerated an entire town hostile to her before she became a saint-then there were the czars who made torture a fine art. Lastly the Communists, and presently the ex-communists turned ‘Democrats.’
I don’t think Russia is a people-friendly country. Journalists are beaten to death regularly. Rival business persons are harassed, jailed, tortured, extorted, and killed by Russian Mafiosi under the protection of the government and police. Russian criminality is at an all time high with criminal gangs ‘working’ in many countries including this one.

Rigged elections, paying the average Russian worker slave wages are all contributing factors to the mess that country is in. The Russian people like growing numbers of fellow proletarians world-wide are fed up with low or no wages, police brutality, government corruption, all of which spawn the ‘P-word’ POVERTY. As of this writing 30,000 to 50,000 Muscovites are planning to march against the allegedly corrupt Putin-Medvedev political tag-team in a few days over allegations of election rigging and vote fraud. Mass protests are being planned for other cities in United Russia. People in nearby countries are also protesting their countries totalitarian policies. People everywhere are sick and tired of the bull****!

Hacking for the Revolution
Anybody who’s got an ounce of common sense doesn’t want a revolution. Revolts are nasty, bloody, violent, and expensive in terms of people killed, maimed, injured, homes, factories and other business destroyed, and food supplies dwindle down to near nothing. Romanizing any revolution is just plain stupid. How can you condone living in sheer terror 24/7?

The rising protest group known as ‘Anonymous’ organize and support Occupy groups around the world. Whether you agree or not what this group does is computer hack into thousands of credit card accounts that belong to clients of the U.S. based security think tank Stratfor and perhaps other government agencies. This online hacking group has claimed responsibility for attacking major credit card and Internet companies. They have warned the world that it may disrupt U.S. and global banking infrastructures at some point.

Reader I’m out of space. I gotta’ quit. By now you’ve asked yourself ‘where is this all heading and where do Fil-Ams fit into the equation?’ I don’t blame you; these are valid questions. You have to tune in to our next edition for the answers. Till then Happy New Year and GOD bless you.
