

SPEAK ENGLISH! English as the National language Part Two

by Fred C. Wilson III
September 3, 2011
“First it was ‘Whites Only.’ Now it’s ‘English Only.’ Stop the hate.”
-Aunt B (Enclave-Nashville)-

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is adamantly against any laws that would make English the official language of this country. That organization said that ‘English-only policies stigmatize U.S. workers including Latinos, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Caribbean’s, Native Americans, and other language minority groups.’ (Source: The ACLU further stated that non-English speakers risk losing their livelihoods once the provisions of the proposed bill are enforced if it becomes law.

Both the ACLU and this writer whole-heartedly concur that as long as non-English speakers are competent at their jobs language at the work place shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

ACLU further criticized Congress for not establishing a sufficient number of adult literacy and English as a Second Language (‘ESL’) programs. During the latter part of the 1980’s I taught ESL at the South Chicago Learning Center. The SCLC was part of Olive Harvey College of Chicago City Colleges. My classes were generally packed with adult students from a variety of non-English speaking backgrounds all eager to learn our common language. During faculty meetings what distressed me most was that our coordinator’s primary focus was on funding. We needed money in a bad way to keep our programs going. How can people from non-English countries learn English if so few places teach it? The answer is they can’t.

Ms. Baby Santos (not real name) is a native of the Philippines. She works as a private nurse, a long time American citizen, and is fluent in English. She’s agreed to sit down with me to answer a few questions relating to the English Only controversy:

Megascene: “Ms. Santos in your opinion do you think that Congress should press forward the proposal to make English the official language of the United States?”

Ms. Santos: “I think that Congress should make English the official language of our country. English is the world’s language. When I lived in the Philippines we were taught English. It’s also the second language of the Philippines. People immigrating here from abroad should learn English.”
Megascene: “As a Filipina have you ever faced ostracism from the English speaking majority Americans whenever you spoke Tagalog (Pilipino) or Visayan at work, in social settings, or any other place?”

Ms. Santos: “I have never been ostracized by native English speakers for speaking Pilipino but then whenever I’m at work or in mixed company I always speak English. When Filipinos try to converse with me in Visayan or Tagalog I tell them, ‘Say it in English!’”

Megascene: “In your opinion do you think that a country should even have an official language? Could you state your reasons?”

Ms. Santos: “Of course; here in the States English is the primary language spoken and written. English is the language of the job market, banking, business, hospitals, and the government; it makes good sense to speak English. Back home I speak Visayan on a regular basis though rarely here.
Please don’t get me wrong. I’m proud of being Filipina but I live and work in the United States where English language is the primary tongue.”

Megascene: “What advice would you give to people coming to the U.S. from non-English speaking countries?”
Ms. Santos: “Whenever people from back home come to the States I urge them to learn English; it makes good sense.”

During my 32 years as an educator I was privileged to have taught at over 1,000 kids and hundreds of adults of every racial, ethnic, and religious persuasion. Occasionally students would ask me for my views on Immigration. I would answer them as truthfully as I could. I told them that I believe in a policy of Open Immigration. Our country should be open to all persons who want to make better lives for themselves, their families, and America.

Persons with marketable work skills make our country prosperous. These people should be processed in and given a set time in which to learn our language. Proficiency in spoken and written English should be primary factors in the Naturalization process. If immigrants want citizenship badly enough they will learn English. If after a certain grace period immigrants who refuse to learn our language should be deported!

Reader you think I’m hard Iceland has an open immigration policy. From what I’ve read their method requires that immigrants learn Icelandic and adapt Icelandic names! This is part of their overall assimilation process. In many countries if immigrants don’t learn their chosen country’s language they can’t work. In Mexico they use subtle but coercive methods to force outsiders to speak Spanish and that’s if they like you.

On the ‘downside’ persons who come to America with malice on their minds should be deported ASAP. In the event they attempt illegal entry and or engage in criminal activities after prior deportation these undesirables should be given their constitutionally mandated ‘fair and speedy trials’ then promptly imprisoned.
This writer is realistic enough to admit that in the future as more Spanish speaking peoples pour in from Latin America the English Only policy would be rendered moot. In that case Spanish would become the official language once the English speaking population became a minority but until that time ENGLISH ONLY please.

Reader for the past two weeks Fil-Am publications globally have been livid with rage over a controversial art show sponsored by the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Many observers back home believe this show that ridicules Christianity should have never taken place. Your humble narrator is of similar opinion. While all have reasons why the show should be closed if it already hasn’t, not a single writer has come forth with any idea of the reasoning behind this lurid art show. Mega Scene’s Philippine Adventures will provide answers. Till next time GOD bless, take care of yourself because nobody else will, drive defensively, and drink responsibly.
