

The Gay Sub-Culture (Homosexual Filipinos-Part two)

by Fred C. Wilson III
July 16, 2011
“As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.”
-Anita Bryant-


A growing number of persons find the homosexual lifestyle attractive for a variety of reasons:
* People have grown tired of the ‘game playing’ between genders and opted for same sex relationships.
* Many see homosexuality as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.
* Lonely people in search of camaraderie view the Gay community as a close knit tolerant sub-culture as opposed to exclusionary heterosexual society.
* There are other reasons but page and space requirements leave no room for comment.


The three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) find homosexuality theologically unacceptable. However the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered people) lifestyle is considered an acceptable alternative by a growing number of people as the Gay population expands. Christianity is involved in a war that appears unwinnable. An increasingly large number of ‘Christophobic’* GLBT people are making huge gains in the media, the arts, letters, commerce, and in all other sectors of world society. In recent years there been numerous attacks perpetrated by GLBT groups made on individual Christians and institutions.

I live near Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral where it’s an annual occurrence for Gays to picket the cathedral and verbally harass churchgoers on Valentine’s Day. I’ve attended majestic Easter Sunday Masses only to have individual gays approach Communion stations and loudly shout obscenities at priests and communicants during the Liturgy. This brings to mind an anti-Catholic incident that occurred at St. Patrick’s Cathedral against the late New York Cardinal O’Connor when during distribution of Holy Communion when a member of the militant group ‘Act Up’ violated the Eucharist! The Mormons and other Christian denominations have been vilified by homosexual activists; these thugs generally single out the Roman Catholic Church for special treatment in their malicious attacks. In the Filipino homosexual community here and back home anti-Christian dissention exists but Filipino Gays are generally polite about it.

Now that the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered) community is politicized many of them are releasing their pent up hostility against all things Christian (primarily Catholic). They’ve accused the Christian Church of being homophobic. Due to their militant anti-Christian attitudes, this writer has been forced to take a stand against the GLBT community’s attacks against traditional Christianity, Marriage, and the family. I consider their anti-Christian attacks libelous, degrading, ugly, and mean spirited!

The Christian Church like any saleable product faces stiff competition in the morality ‘marketplace.’ Every salesperson knows that to attract potential buyers and maintain client base, they must develop new marketing strategies. They must gain the minds, hearts, and wallets of interested parties or go out of business. Using the law courts to push the Christian agenda won’t work. It didn’t work during the 1,500 years when the Catholic Church was the de facto ruler of Western Christendom. The bloody Inquisition failed as will the Christian Right. The only marketing strategy that will advance the cause of JESUS CHRIST will be when Christians live the Gospel with the zeal of the Apostles.


The Gay Rights Movement like other left leaning ideologies, gained great momentum during the 1960’s when Christian denominations once considered unshakeable yielded to Liberalism. Anti-Christian dissent has always lurked underneath the thin veneer of what passed for Christian society. Aforementioned during the 1960’s the churches started to crack and lost much of their unique identities. A weak Christianity was all it took for the Gay Rights Movement to emerge from the shadows of society and develop into the strong group it is today.

Similar sociological situations existed during the Reformation era when Catholics (Holy Inquisition), Protestants (anti-Catholic persecutions), and Muslims (Battle of Lepanto and Siege of Vienna.) fought for control of the European mindset. Though Islam was thwarted and held at bay until the current era, the movements that spawned modern secularism (Humanism, Atheism, and loss of the societal sense of right and wrong) challenged Christian thought. Towards the end of the 30 Years War (1618-1648) Western secular thought evolved hence the modern Gay rights movement centuries later.


I’ve never condoned nor condemned the homophile lifestyle per se; what you do in your bedroom is your business; just don’t bother me with it. I’ve known plenty of active gays/lesbians. I’m not Gay though I have acquaintances that are. I’ve frequented Gay Pride Parades. I remember growing up on the South Side we would celebrate Halloween Day by attending the all Black ‘Jewel Box Review’ a very risqué transvestite stage show once held in the long demolished Chicago International Amphitheatre. We’d laugh with and at Gay and transgendered people as they clowned around on stage.

I still mourn the death of a close family friend who was murdered by a group of anti-gay high school students for being ‘one of them.’ To my knowledge the police never investigated Mr. ‘E’s murder. In the African-American community being GLBT is a ‘no-no’ and often met with extreme hostility. During the 1950’s early 1960’s folks didn’t think gay bashing was much of a crime. Their attitude was, “So what…one less f..” The violent events at the Stonewall Inn in New York City when GLBT people challenged then existing anti-homosexual laws, changed all that. I’ve always been a supporter of gay human rights though as a Catholic-Christian I consider homosexuality contrary to GOD’S moral law.


Mega Scene’s Philippine Adventures New Food Technologies will focus on how improved farming methods can help eliminate poverty back home and globally. Till then stay cool, keep your road rage in check and remember Illinois is one of the most vehicle unfriendly states in the country. Local judges appear to enjoy levying hefty fines or prison time to hapless drivers so BE CAREFUL; GOD
bless you. (
