

On Politics and Values

by Arnold De Villa
November 13, 2010

Politics and values are like two immiscible substances, incompatible and mutually rejecting each other in a constant struggle for precedence. The former, a competition between groups and individuals for power and leadership seem to collide with the latter, that which we regard as worthy and important. The current elections we just had somewhat reflects this reality. Stereotypes of perceived values were attached to a specific party, whether it is traditional or ultra-directional (e.g. tea party). From a negative light, “Politics” has the horrifying stigma associated with the vile and stealthy manipulation of others for the benefit of a selfish gain masked in fake promises. In the Philippine context, “politics” has an even worse status. It commonly equated to corruption. The theory behind it is that since some politicians invest hefty amounts of capital, it is but logical to regain lost capital and makes a profit through the office for which they seek to be elected. On the other hand, the values of a rational man are supposedly encompassed within the bliss of wisdom and virtue. Thus, through deduction, “politics of values”, as we were conditioned to believe, is an oxymoron similar to a jumbo shrimp or a musical noise.

The pristine side of politics is not as vicious. It is the art of governance, the skill of good citizenship, and the ability to lead. In this definition, values come as a bundled package entwined like a light that keeps a community bright. It is because of nescience, the lack of knowledge, or the perversion thereof that we position “politics” in the realm of the taboo and elevates “values” into the pedestal of sanctity. We have been so accustomed to the comfort zone of hearsay and the effortless mode of acquiring false information that we seem to be callused against change and improvement.

Can we observe politics in its entirety and uphold values fearlessly? Will politics be forever relegated to the spheres of the inane? And will values be that asymptotic horizon that lies beyond the grasp of the average? Where do we stand? Is the politics of values an oxymoron?

“Makibaka ka, kababayan”, “Sama-sama tayo sa pagkakaisa”, “Sa pagunlad ng Bayan, Disiplina ang kailangan”, “Bayanihan, kapit-bahayan, at damayan” “Isulong ang sambayanan”…

We heard those phrases and we hear them again. They echoed in and out of our auditory nerves and sent a strong impulse that made us react with a noble passion. On the other hand, they have been used and misused by the unscrupulous. Yet, they have also moved the indifferent to take a stand. They have inspired and motivated the meek to be brave. They are values that contain the virtues of people in search of a leader. And they are values of leaders who are yet immune to the doldrums of a traditional political contamination.

The politics of values is the effort to inspire, guide and motivate ourselves towards the path of empowerment, and the improvement of human nature. As an effort, it is not a skill to manipulate or coerce others to act in accordance to our demands. It is rather a determination to uphold man as the ultimate beneficiary of governance. It does not exclude the agent who solicits an office. And it includes all those who partake of the common good, the universal principle of protecting man’s basic rights.

Moreover, this ideal politics prioritizes the platform of service, while it ignores the strategy of self-glorification that shuns a negative campaign. It highlights the good in people and showcases that which is truthful and metaphysically beautiful. In prioritizing the platform of service, traces of arrogance are obliterated by force of an authentic humility. And by not adhering to the vanities of self-glorification, the politics of values create an atmosphere of absolute esteem.

In a very short while, the winners of this recent election will gradually fill up their posts and seats. As we were called to exercise our rights and our power to vote, it is now our responsibility to be vigilant on the promises that the candidates made in so many town hall meetings. In as much as the “Politics of Value” is an effort that upholds what is important; it extols our roles to respond. The management of our government, in all levels, is not a one way process organized through a taciturn passivity. For any government or any government to prosper, interaction and interactivity is deemed indispensable. A government for the people, of the people and by the people is a government that comes from the people, belongs to the people and accountable to its people.

Through proportional analogy, when we get down to the politics of our own specific organization, the same principle applies. It is not a different ball game. For would be leaders and potential Fil-Am politicians, do not forget the basics. Our Filipino values are strong determinants of our racial strength. When “Bayanihan” is upheld, we gather the strong and inspire the ones ready to commit. With “Kapit-bahayan” we instill the time proven values of civic fellowship and national camaraderie. And with “Damayan”, we have an emphatic understanding of a neighbor.

The “Politics of Value”, besides being another conjecture of this writer, is a facet of what is longed for. No matter how long the queue, no matter how tortuous the roads are, no matter how complex we try to explain, the basic desire of each and every man is that with justice and that of peace. We crave for the right values to be restored. The politics of values attempt to attain this. What do you opine?
