


by Fred C. Wilson III
November 6, 2010
“A time will come when science will transform [our bodies] by means which we cannot conjecture… And then, the earth being small, mankind will migrate into space, and will cross the airless Saharas which separate planet from planet, and sun from sun. The earth will become a Holy Land which will be visited by pilgrims from all quarters of the universe.”
-Winwood Reade.
The Martyrdom of Man (1872)-

Human beings are GOD’S premier species. The Bible touts man/woman as the epitome of GOD’S creation. Writers/artists have celebrated the human being. The race is in serious trouble. Though we’re the crown of creation we humans can be snuffed out of existence in a heartbeat. Climate change, volcanic eruptions, solar flares, and meteor strikes can doom us.

If a super volcano erupts the dust would blanket the Earth, blot out the sun, kill all plant life on earth, and temperatures would plunge well below acceptable levels to maintain life as we know it. We would freeze and starve. Global warming would raise sea levels to scary heights leaving many of the world’s population centers under water. World War III could break out. A host of other extinction causing calamities can bring about our demise.

Professor Stephen Hawking one of the planet’s foremost cosmologists is a firm believer in space migration. He believes the only hope of humanity lies in migrating to other planets in the very near future. Your writer agrees with him 100%.

Ever since our first ancestors gazed up at the heavens it always has been a deep seeded human yearning to travel to distant stars. In ages past such longings were considered extreme flights of fantasy. Until the latter part of the 19th century the idea of space travel was looked upon as a fertile field for fools and visionaries. At the start of the Third Millennium with the very real threat of global extinction a plausible reality, an increasing number people from every walk of life is beginning to take space migration seriously.

Currently the technology necessary to achieve star travel isn’t on the books. The species currently known as homo-sapiens, that’s us, is preoccupied with turning our tiny planet into an uninhabitable hothouse. Emissions from gas guzzling automobiles and other road vehicles continue to destroy our air. Greedy zillionaire executives/politicians suck the very life from the people and fund global terror networks. We’re at the very crossroads of civilization on the brink of destruction and the average person’s primary concern is ‘who won the game, what’s on TV,’ and ‘can I upload my favorite show in my Blackberry.’ My solution: PRIORITIZE; feed the hungry; deal very harshly with terrorists, and base government service on merit not on money. Solve earth’s immediate problems first then develop space technology well beyond the point that would make interplanetary travel practical, cheap, safe, and develop things from there.

I came across an article submitted by Isang ( titled: ‘Space Service Filipino Workers.’ Perhaps that writer didn’t intend to offend yet I’m of the opinion the article could have been a mite more broadminded regarding Pinoys working in space. Here’s what I mean: “…People who will clean the space toilets, assist the scientist in finding his balance, serving guests, etc. are doing small but very important jobs. So far no nation is focusing on this large and lucrative market and with the Philippines as a world class human resource service provider, the Philippines is poised to control and dominate this market…” though in a single word the article did mention engineers. Filipinos like anybody else can function as high level space technicians, scientists, and at other space related professions. All they need is desire and proper training.

The article appeared to have unintentionally reinforced the stereotype that the only work Filipinos can do are menial service jobs. Reader I know something about stereotyping. When I married my Filipina wife 20 years ago I used to get a lot of, “I bet you can really dance.” or “You write for a Filipino magazine are you their sports writer?” Like I was born dancing and dribbling basketballs; see what I’m saying? Too many people assume that Filipinos can only work in service industries as cooks, maids, and nannies. I’m not knocking these venerable and valuable professions but what about Filipino medical professionals, scientists, CEO’s, professors, and other middle/high level professionals?

As a firm believer in GOD’S divine plan, I don’t think our species is meant to leave this planet until we make some major changes. War, racism, immorality, poverty, the root cause of all that ails us, political corruption, and GOD knows what else must be addressed before we can leap for the stars. The Philippines, the Americas, and Africa are prime examples of advanced technological societies making first contact with technologically less advanced societies-slavery! What sense would it make for us to encounter persons living on other star systems only to enslave them? The object of the ‘game’ is to better our intergalactic neighbors not corrupt them.

Professor Hawking also believes that we humans shouldn’t seek out extraterrestrials. He reasons what if we encounter technologically advanced civilizations that are hostile? The result would be catastrophic. We’d be in the same places as were countless Africans, Native Americans, South Sea islanders, Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos were during the colonialist period. If we were enslaved by these superior beings I think GOD would eventually bail us out. HE/SHE’D make these ‘extraterrestrials’ into better Christians than we could ever be. HE/SHE’D use them to spread the Gospel to other planets with a missionary zeal and knowledge that would far exceed any efforts we feeble humans could ever mount! But why look for trouble? Why should we provide a ‘road map’ to potential inter-galactic bullies and direct them to the ‘third rock from the Sun’ symbolically yelling ‘COME AND GET US!’ Our species could possibly endure thousands of years of unimaginable cruelty and wait until GOD decides to bring our captors into the Christian fold.

I personally support the idea of a Project Ozma ‘big earing it’ (listening) for signs of intelligent life in our galaxy in effort to make first contact with our intergalactic brothers/sisters. Common sense says we should to take seriously what Hawking is saying. The professor may be right. There may well be so-called ‘space alien’ civilizations out there that’d enjoy snuffing us out or enslaving us. Satan doesn’t need a space ship to commute ‘to do dirt’.

We’re in deep trouble now. Global warming, nuclear/bio-chemical terrorism, misappropriation of earth’s natural and monitory resources caused by human greed/stupidity will destroy us unless we as a species halt our self-destructive behavior. If we’re going to get through this one, Filipinos and everybody else had best climb aboard this ‘bandwagon’ (self-preservation).’ Our very survival is at stake.
That’s it for this week’s Mega Scene’s Philippine Adventures. Reader, may GOD bless you and your loved ones.

“The earth is the cradle of humankind, but one cannot live in the cradle forever.”
-Konstantin Tsiloko (1895)-
