

ISLAM’S CHALLENGE PART 2 Terror in the Philippines

by Fred C. Wilson III

Sept 18, 2010

“When you clean your home, the rats will leave.”

(Divide and Conquer)
The ancient Romans wrote the ‘book’ on hostile takeovers. Borrowing a leaf from those conquerors Spain and the United States turned Filipinos against themselves. This was an effective way to seize control of the Archipelago tribe by tribe village by village. The only Filipinos who effectively resisted the invaders were the Muslims of Mindanao. Fiercely independent, the Islamic south never wanted ‘in’ with the Manila government. Despite later absorption into the Philippines they resisted as best they could.
During the early days of the American colonialist period, Muslim terrorism in the Philippines was quickly squelched by the American military. Here’s a vivid account of American Army commander World War I hero General John J. ‘Blackjack’ Pershing’s method to halt Islamic terrorism back in 1911: ‘There had been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, so ‘Black Jack’ told his boys to catch the ‘perps’ (perpetrators?) and teach them a lesson. Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were tied to posts execution style. The U.S. soldiers then brought in pigs and slaughtered them. The soldiers rubbed their bullets in pig blood and fat before executing the terrorists. Thus the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that they would be contaminated with hogs’ blood. This would mean that they could not enter Heaven even if they died Muslim martyrs.
‘All but one was shot. The soldier’s dumped the dead bodies into a mass grave then poured hogs blood and guts atop the bodies. A lone survivor was allowed to ‘escape’ back to his camp to tell his brethren what had happened. Pershing’s drastic action quickly ended Muslim terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.
‘Pointing a gun into the face of Islamic terrorists won’t make them flinch. They welcome the chance to die for Allah. Like General Pershing, we must show them that they won’t get to ‘Muslim heaven’ which they believe offers them an endless supply of fresh young virgin girls for sex but instead will die with the hated pig guts and bile of the devil.’ This same source listed many like examples but space doesn’t permit me to go into them. (Above source:
In today’s liberalized times Pershing’s solution would earn scorn and indignation from ‘civilized’ societies. It worked splendidly back then. Perhaps what’s needed now are other methods to shame these enemies of Filipinos and true Islam into submission. A concerned and vigilant citizenry within Filipino (Muslim & Christian) communities is the most valuable tool in fighting terrorism. Filipinos back home should police their fools and employ draconian measures when necessary.
The Philippines and Western societies are using similar methods that doomed Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire) to extinction after their 1,500 plus years run. They’re paying off Muslim terrorists with money, favorable legislation, and pro-Islamic/anti-Christian press for supposed peace. After centuries of periodically losing huge chunks of territory despite bribing Islamic leaders, the Byzantine Empire was swallowed up whole by their Islamic conquerors. Only preexisting Christian civilizations prevented that part of the world from sinking into a darker age. (Read: GOD’S Battalions by Rodney Stark.) The new Philippine government should stand tall against terrorism, Islamic and otherwise.
If Western (particularly American) societies ever kick their gasoline addiction which incidentally pumps trillions of dollars into the coffers of radical Islamic movements, Islamic fundamentalism will collapse like a sand castle on a windswept beach. Petrodollars and timidity is what’s keeping these agents of Satan in business.
Vatican Council II modernized world Catholicism. Protestant and Orthodox Christianity host periodic ‘house cleaning’ councils. Judaism has its’ Talmudic tradition. Despite its ancient origins the Islamic mindset is stuck in the 7th century a time universally infamous for witch burnings, widespread illiteracy, torture as justice, slavery, degradation of women, and religious intolerance. For Islam to survive such archaic thinking must stop-NOW!
Some say Islam can’t handle modernity with its’ technological and philosophical challenges and advancements. To compensate for their lack of sophistication Islamic fundamentalists use brute force, verbal intimidation, and terror tactics to steamroll modern societies into compliance. This reminds me of the uneducated bully who by good looks, guile, and ‘manliness’ (muscle) marry a rich and intelligent woman but routinely reverts to brutality to control her when she displays individual initiative (Islam as the ‘antidote’ for Feminism). Muslim fundamentalists use the Koran to beat fellow Muslims and the world into submission.
The religion of Prophet Mohammed desperately needs to have a general reforming council to set Islam on par with the modern world. Continued theological negligence will culminate into what Muslims fear most: A REAL RELIGIOUS/POLITICAL CRUSADE that will hobble and or destroy them. As mentioned in a previous article modern people are tired of having their lives disrupted by Islamic fanatics. After century of battling Marxism, two world wars, early 20th century industrial slavery, and living with the threat of nuclear annihilation, the world craves peace. Global patience is wearing thin. The world’s current policy of appeasement is running out. So-called moderate Muslims should read the signs of these troubled times and take back their religion from those who hide within only to destroy it. Worst case scenario: World War III will start in the Middle-East over Israel and Islamic extremism.
Aforementioned last week most Muslims aren’t terrorist fanatics or members of the ‘Kill-the-Jew/Christian-Club.’ Most are hard working, law abiding, decent people of GOD. Problem is many Muslims feel they have a duty to protect/shield the dangerous elements within their religious ranks. It’s time for them to ‘clean house-dump the garbage.’ Reader if your home or place of business is overrun by rodents, you don’t sit still watching them use your kitchen floor as a baseball diamond and overrun your place. You do something! Rat removal requires a general cleaning, laying traps, and using poison pellets to eliminate those filthy creatures. Once Philippine/global leaders ‘grow some b****’ (resist terrorism) and realize their imminent danger, they should purge these undesirables from their midst by any means necessary…time’s up-GOD bless.
