

Poor Country-Rich Country

by Fred C. Wilson III

Aug 20, 2010

“Laws grind the poor, and rich men/
women rule the law.”
-Oliver Goldsmith-

A bloody revolt is the last thing Filipinos back home should ever want to happen. Revolutions are a nasty business. They bankrupt countries, lots of dead bodies piled high, millions injured and maimed, and commerce would cease. A bloody Philippine revolution would be very hard to stage. As soon as the ‘right’ heads start to roll the United States would invariably offer military assistance to whatever rotten regime the revolutionists were attempting to pull from power. The U.S. has historically invaded countries deemed military and economic threats to ‘American interests.’ The Philippines would be treated no different from the two Middle-eastern countries our nation currently occupies. What is needed is a revolution of hearts and minds for change to happen.

At the close of World War II the U.S. occupied Japan. As military occupations go, the victorious allies held that country a meager eight years (1945-1952) enough time to instill into Japanese psyches a worship of all things white and Western (i.e. dyed blond hair, operations to remove the folds from their eyelids, etc) and a hatred and disdain for browns and blacks. How so with Filipinos who had to endure nearly 400 years of white supremacy fostered by a rogue Catholicism.

Like every dark race exploited by Caucasian colonizers, Filipinos need a mega dose of positive self image. Education is a partial solution to this vexing problem. The remaining half can be solved when Filipinos accept themselves as the unique people our loving Creator intended them to be. Once they accept themselves only then will they be lovingly tolerant towards their dark brothers/sisters.

FUTURE STATE/FUTURE CHURCH The most loyal humans and beasts will turn on their masters when their levels of hunger
and pain become intolerable. Think Russia 1917 and 1930’s Spain; as mentioned in earlier articles contemporary Philippine art reflect the grim future of commerce and Catholicism once people back home reach their breaking point. In order to become rich the Philippines must:

INDUSTRIALIZE: Anyone with a ‘once’ of brains can see that rich countries manufacture then export. Poor countries import and consume. Japan, China, South Korea, Western Europe, the South Korea, United States (though in decline) are industrial power houses. The day of wealthy agrarianism is as dead as a fried chicken dinner at a church social. The Philippines MUST INDUSTRAILIZE in order to become competitive hence prosperous.

SAVE: Countries that encourage thrift over wanton spending and consumption are usually better off during economic upswings and survive nearly intact during economic troths; case in point Japan. In the days before stripper ‘stars’ and foul mouthed blaspheming DJ’s became role models for our children, Disney cartoon characters instilled positive values among the youth of my generation. I still remember the tale of the ‘Grasshopper and the Ant’ and ‘The Tortoise and the Hare.’ I fondly remember how the lazy grasshopper fiddled his time away to the tune of ‘Oh the world owes me a living.’ When the hard-working ant stored food for hard times, the lazy grasshopper would poke fun at the industriouslittle ant that’d ignore him and continued working. Winter came. The grasshopper starved and nearly froze to death while the ant sat back in his comfortable recliner reading a newspaper while the grasshopper tearfully shivered as he looked through a window.

Once money is generated FILIPINOS BACK HOME MUST BECOME A NATION OF SAVERS. GOVERNMENT: As mentioned last week governments are the root causes of most of what’s bad in the world. FILIPINOS MUST GET GOOD LEADERS even if they have to shut the country down with a general strike though such a bold move would require cooperation from all sectors of that troubled society.

EDUCATION: Filipinos are aware of the necessity of getting a good education. Back home there’s a proliferation of schools of all types. From my personal sources and on site observations about half the schools at the elementary level are underfunded, teachers poorly paid and work from a core curriculum that’s outdated, irrelevant, and ill suited for a
country trying to emerge from poverty to prosperity in the 21st century. PAY TEACHERS GOOD SALARIES, FUND SCHOOLS PROPERLY, PLUS DEVELOP CURRICULA IN TUNE WITH THE TIMES.

RELIGION AND MORALS: Roman Catholicism is the dominant faith of the Philippines with Islam and Protestantism
a distant second and third. Religious education that’s practical and human rights oriented can liberate the Philippine mind from 300 plus years of a subservient brand of Catholicism that was out-of-date decades before Vatican II. What’s needed is a dynamic Post-Vatican II Catholicism sprinkled with liberation theology; a Catholic-Christianity rooted in orthodox tradition yet revolutionary enough to more than manage future challenges. There are many other prime factors worth mentioning in the evolutionary process from poverty to prosperity but space doesn’t permit it.


The Philippines will be a rich nation. Shortly before that happens it must develop strategies that will enable her to stay on top and insure that its’ Filipinos not outsiders who’ll ‘call the shots.’ ‘Back in the day’ when I used to vacation in the Netherlands Antilles (Curacao) I would take long walking tours.

I’d enter shops, banks, grocery stores, and other places of business would notice that despite that country’s Black majority whites held the top jobs. The businesses, government officials, hotel and casino managers even the ranks of religion were all white owned and white controlled though the Chinese ran the stores, restaurants, and certain other food related establishments. Mulattoes held the middle-management positions while the majority Blacks toiled outside in that hot-a** sun chopping weeds, working the fish markets, driving taxicabs or at other low skilled jobs. FILIPINOS MUST OWN AND OPERATE ALL INDUSTRIES, BANKS, AND OTHER KEY BUSINESSES and not surrender them to their former colonizers.

I knew a white ex-Marine married to a Filipina and living in Cebu. The guy said that Filipinos aren’t as clever or as devious as whites to handle a prosperous nation. He further stated that if the Republic ever achieves rich nation status new colonizers would assert control over the Islands. He hinted that whites and Chinese will dominate Island commerce just like ‘old times.’

Neo-colonialism is like a virus, it merely mutates in something stronger when threatened. Fidel Castro admitted
that he failed miserably in his attempts to end Cuban racism. ‘The name’s changed but the game remains the same’ to quote the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. Reader that’s all for this week’s Mega Scene’s Philippine Adventures; GOD bless. “Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it’s not just the rich kids that learn about money…it’s all of us.”

-David Bach
