

NaFFAA Mourns Former Sen. Ted Steven’s Death

Aug 13, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. – NaFFAA National Chair Greg Macabenta issued the following statement on the death of former Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska. We are deeply saddened by the tragic death of former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, who died in a plane crash Monday night. Our sympathies are with his family and loved ones. We remember the Senator as one of the strongest advocates for Filipino World War II veterans equity. During senate debates in 2008, after S. 1315 – the Veterans Benefits Enhancement Act – was introduced by Sen.

Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Sen. Stevens kept the faith with his comrades and staunchly defended the bill that would have provided special pensions to Filipino veterans. ‘I do not get excited too many times on this floor,” the Senator said, “but this bill excites me.” At the time, the senator was one of five World War II veterans serving in the Senate. The Senate’s other World War II veterans are Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye, Democrats of Hawaii; Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J.; and John Warner, R-Va. Sen. Stevens valiantly fought back against opponents of the bill, asserting that the measure was a way to keep promises made to Filipino veterans and that it was a right they had available to them. “We are talking about honor, the honor of the United States,” the senator said, recalling the contributions of Filipino Troops who fought under the American flag, side by side with American soldiers. “This is a wrong that has to be rectified.”

NaFFAA will always be grateful to Sen. Stevens for his vital role in promoting the interests of Filipino veterans in the U.S. Congress. In a significant way, he made it possible for our aging heroes to finally get the compensation and official recognition they richly deserve. We will keep Sen. Stevens’ family in our prayers during their time of grief.

TheNational Federationof Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) is a private, non-profit, non-partisan taxexempt organization established in 1997 to promote the active participation of Filipino Americans in civic and national Affairs. NaFFAA is composed of 12 regions with a national office in Washington,D.C. that monitors legislation and public policy issues affecting FilipinoAmericans. NaFFAA partners with local affiliate organizations and national coalitions in advocating for issues of common concern.
