

Philippine Military Medical officer at work

July 9, 2010

* Search: Medical missions to the Philippines

There are many Philippine medical mission sites on the internet. Due to word limitations I’ve only listed a few. If you’re privy to a computer with internet access no problem logging in to Philippine medical mission sites.
If you don’t have internet access go to any branch of the public library. The librarians would be glad to assist you.

If you need personal attention email me. My email address is listed at the bottom of the article.
WHERE CAN I SIGN ON? My Italian-American Franciscan missionary priest friend will arrive in the Chicago area
in a few days. He’ll be vacationing here for a month before returning to Mexico. Reader, if you want to spend a month living like a real apostle I’ll be glad to sign you up.

Just drop me an e-mail and I’ll contact Fr. John immediately. If you want to volunteer to the Philippines still email me. My Philippine contacts would love having you aboard serving in Palawan or perhaps Cebu. That’s all for this week’s Mega Scene’s Philippines Adventures. Till we meet again all my best and GOD bless.

* *Last week I forgot to include ‘bless’ after GOD. Oops! Sorry about that Reader. LOL!

