

Ending the Myth The World de-Americanized

“As US politicians of both political parties (fail to find a) viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world.”
-Xinhua News Service-

China is fuming! With the recent shutdown of the United States government Beijing considers the U.S. unstable, unreliable and unfit for global command. They’re insisting that the world de-Americanize. The Asian mega-giant wants a new world order without Washington. Xinhua News Service accused the United States of abusing its superpower status by stoking “regional tensions amid territorial disputes and fighting unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies” as if the communist Chinese don’t do similar things to other Asian countries. In this writer’s opinion China is like the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. Beijing wants the U.S. ousted as top player on the chess board of world economic/military affairs only because it wants to call the shots.
The Chinese in my opinion have a valid argument though its motives appear dubious. Since the time of Alexander the Great Caucasian countries have been in the global driver’s seat. Over the centuries the dominant Caucasian culture has been using their collective military, industrial and economic might to cow the rest of the world into submission. In spite of the many collective transgressions of European man Beijing is in no condition to dictate terms to anybody. Their abysmal human rights record, global industrial pollution, inferior products and tyrannical government speaks for itself. China’s ultra-aggressiveness towards neighboring Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines and other Asian countries is far from laudable. If the world is to be de-Americanized it won’t be the People’s Republic of China who’ll do it. Who will lead the world to a brighter and prosperous tomorrow, Africa? gimme’ a break! Latin America with its sordid history of corrupt governments, global drug lords, spirit-crushing poverty and economies pilfered for centuries by the greedy rich? I don’t think so. If not them who? Can the world afford ‘de-Americanization?
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund started after the carnage of the second global war certainly could use boost. With the USD going down the toilet perhaps it’s high time to replace both WB and IMF with a better banking system that’s efficient, equalitarian no longer the filthy rich white males only club. When I was a kid during the 1960’s I made it a habit of confronting the hippies/liberals. When we argued I readily agreed with them in regarding the need to reform society from the top down. But when I’d hit ‘em with the notion that whenever any value system is overthrown it’s imperative to replace it with a better model. They were clueless and oft times resorted to silly ad hominem attacks to mask their retreat. Reader it’s easy to destroy; wreaking crews tear up stuff every day. Planning, designing, financing, building a better structure after the former one is a pile of bricks and dust is hard.
Within great nations, institutions and people there lies the seeds for great evils. The idea of a one world economy or globalization is a grand one. Racial, cultural, gender based inequalities, corporate greed and competing national agendas have stymied this ideal. If the Club of Rome, IMF, World Bank and the Bilderbergers were seriously concerned for universal human rights and economic prosperity I don’t think most folks would object. Planet Earth doesn’t need any more revolutionary systems of government or economics. What’s needed is a non-biased across the board enforcement of existing structures plus innovative methods of making what we have worked for the good of all. If we don’t rework our current systems of government/economics to benefit everybody they won’t be fit for anybody. The U.S. Constitution isn’t a failed document that has outlived its relevancy; its misapplication is.
Neo-colonialism is prevalent in Asian countries formally dominated by European colonialists. The ghost of Willy Lynch may be “a moldering in his grave” but his legacy of self-hate marches onward. (Go to: ‘Willie Lynch-The making of a slave’) Whenever I see a billboard in Hong Kong that displays blond, blue eyed, white women instead of local Chinese beauties I say “oh-oh!” When Filipinos bleach their skins to an unnatural/unsafe alabaster white or when I watch muscled Black men cower in fear before some wimpy looking white man oft half his age- they get to me. Even if the world is de-Europeanized the neo-colonialist mentality among the planet’s former slaves tells me that ‘ole Massa’ still carries power. The adage “free yo’ mind and yo, a** will follow” still holds true.
Reader, picture a world scenario in which the existing social, political, and moral order is reversed; what then? What kind of world would it be if Americanism/Europeanism is dethroned? Considering the many positive contributions to science, technology, medicine, their astounding money making methods, the arts, religion, and industrial development made by the existing world order life would be bleak unless non-whites do better, much better. It’s one thing to negate an unpopular idea yet immeasurably more difficult to replace it a better idea. It’s a fact that successful revolutions generally spawn governments more oppressive than the ones they’ve ousted. History is replete with examples of revolutions gone south- Russia during the Communist era, Iran after the Shah, Reign of Terror, Paris Commune, Castro’s Cuba -the casualty list seems endless.
How can non-white societies replace the long standing Euro-centric world order while avoiding a global racial, economic and political meltdown? Contemplate the collapse of ancient Rome and the resulting 1,000 year Dark Ages. The late Elijah Mohammed said in a Savior’s Day speech “We must do something for self,” implying that so-called ‘minorities’ must cease being dependant upon the dominant Eurocentric order to achieve self sufficiency.
What’s the best idea needed to clean up our mess? Catholic-Christian literary giant Gilbert K. Chesterton said, “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” With bigger and better bombs, overpopulation, global poverty, incessant warring, Greenhouse Effect, moral degeneracy among leaders and individuals we’re in big trouble. We must change or face extinction. Case in point: according to the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists their Doomsday Clock remains poised at five minutes to midnight at the time of this writing! Time is running out! I think now would be a good time to test the Christian ideal that changes persons from within to affect external transformation which changes everything.
For additional information read the Xinhua News for the complete text of the controversial de-Americanization article. For an in depth approach on why Western values have held sway these past 2,369 years (Alexander’s birth to current year) though waning, read “Why the West Rules—for Now” by Ian Morris. A well researched work. Reader you’ll get an eyeful!
In “Tyranny through Taxation” we’ll argue the pros and cons for the need of a 15% across the board flat tax. Eliminate IRS loopholes that protect society’s ‘sacred cows’ special interest groups. Reader, stay warm, drive cautiously, keep busy to stave off Cabin Fever; God bless you and those you love.
