MANILA – Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile wished for divine light and stamina as he celebrated his 88th birthday on Tuesday, attending legislative session in the morning and presiding the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona in the afternoon.
“My wish is for God to give me the stamina and the divine light to do what is right in the remaining years of my life,” Enrile said when asked by the Senate media about his birthday wish after the morning session.
Enrile also hopes for a peaceful and stable country and that the Filipino people will continue to live happy life “according to the laws of our country.”
”I wish the country will be happy and the country will be well, the country will be peaceful, the country will be stable, will remain stable and the people will go their ways happily, acting according to the laws of our country to pursue their individual desires, ambitions, plans and dreams,” he stressed.
Enrile said he plans to celebrate his birthday, which also falls on Valentine’s Day, with his family members in a simple dinner at home.
The veteran lawmaker promised to suspend the impeachment trial of Corona at 5 p.m. to allow everyone to spend Valentine’s Day with their loved ones.
”Gusto ko happy ka! (I want you to be happy),” Enrile uttered the same line he used as campaign slogan during the 2010 national elections.