by Carmelita Cochingco Ballesteros.
February 1, 2012
Angelo, my 10-year old grandson, had to submit a written project for his religion class. I helped him brainstorm through a long conversation. We talked about the story, the characters, the problem, the solution, and the message. He typed the message on my laptop, and like a good teacher, I let him express his own thoughts in his own words.
He chose four mysteries of the Holy Rosary:
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First, the Second Luminous Mystery: Turning water into wine.
Me: Tell me what happened during the wedding at Cana in Galilee.
Angelo: Well, the newly-weds ran out of wine and Mother Mary informed her son Jesus.
Me: Did Mary ask Jesus to turn water into wine?
Angelo: No.
Me: Did Mary know that Jesus would turn water into wine?
Angelo: No, but Mary knew that Jesus is God and He can do anything and He can solve a simple problem like having no more wine.
Message: “Jesus will always help us when we are in need. It’s because of Mary’s faith that Jesus turned water into wine. It teaches us to be faithful and to be generous.”
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Second, the First Joyful Mystery: Becoming a virgin mother.
Me: What happened when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary while she was praying?
Angelo: He told her that she will get pregnant.
Me: Was it good news for her?
Angelo: Hang on a minute. Let me think… No, it was bad news.
Me: Why?
Angelo: Because she’s a virgin. She’s not yet married. If she gets pregnant without a husband, her child will have no father.
Message: “It teaches us to be faithful, humble and obedient because Mary accepted that she was going to be the mother of Jesus.”
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Third, the Second Joyful Mystery: Visiting a Cousin
Me: Who did Mary visit?
Angelo: Her cousin Elizabeth.
Me: Who was Elizabeth?
Angelo: Elizabeth was an old woman. But she was six months pregnant. That must have been a miracle, too, wasn’t it?
Me: Yes. Why did Mary visit her?
Angelo: Well, maybe Mary wanted to know for sure if Elizabeth was really preggy. Maybe Mary wanted to help her with chores like cooking. Like when Grandma Belen went to Canada to help Tita Zarah when she was preggy.
Me: Did Mary take a plane to go to Juda where Elizabeth and her husband Zachary lived?
Angelo: No. There were no planes during those days! Mary must have walked or rode a donkey.
Message: “It teaches us to be helpful and to be humble because Mary helped Elizabeth during her pregnancy. Elizabeth could not do many things, for example: cooking, gathering firewood or fetching water from the well.”
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Fourth, the Third Joyful Mystery: Giving birth to the Child Jesus
Me: Where did Mary and Joseph live?
Angelo: In Nazareth.
Me: Why did they go to Bethlehem?
Angelo: Because of the census.
Me: Even if Mary were about to give birth?
Angelo: They were good citizens. And I’m sure they knew that the Father and the Holy Spirit would take care of them.
Message: “It teaches us to be loving, obedient and faithful like Mary and Joseph. They obeyed the call for the census and while they were traveling to Bethlehem Joseph took care of Mary. They had faith in God that they will get to their destination safely. Finally they reached their destination, and then Mary gave birth to Jesus. It was a hard situation, it was uncomfortable, inconvenient and maybe scary but they did not complain. Instead, they welcomed the birth of the Child Jesus calmly and joyfully.”