

TOUGH TIMES DEMAND TOUGH SOLUTIONS (Solving the Unemployment Crises-Part One)

by Fred C. Wilson III
November 1, 2011
“When I call a recession…that means that process is starting to feed on itself, which means that you can yell and scream and you can write a big check, but it’s not going to stop.”
–Lakshman Achuthan-

Retooling the future
Education is the first step in retooling any nation. No need to tell you how bad schools are in the United States; just read the papers or watch the news. The world has gone high tech. The United States is being left behind. In order for our country to keep pace with the other global economies, our school systems (pre-Kindergarten through university) need a complete overhauling. Junk the entire American educational system! Change starts in the cradle.

As a 32-year veteran teacher I think I’ve learned something in my past career. Here are the changes I’d like to see happen in our elementary schools:
* Have an 8 hour school day.
* Train/hire qualified teachers and pay them similar salaries as upper echelon (i.e. business, legal, and medical) professionals.
* Have smaller class sizes (15 to 20 students per classroom with at least one teacher aide assisting.
* Remove disruptive students from classrooms! Classroom discipline is the primary problem in schools. Disruption should be dealt with swiftly, fairly, harshly, and resolutely!
* The Office of Disciplinarian replete with paddle should be reintroduced in public schools.
* The 7th and 8th grades are all about paying extra teachers and enriching the coffers of textbook companies. Many countries graduate their students at the end of the 6th grade which is the reading levels of most major American newspapers. Abolish ‘junior high schools.’
* Due to nutritional factors, the Internet, and other maturation factors, children are developing into adulthood far faster than previous generations. High school should be from 7th through the 10th grades.
* The school year should be year round using the 45-15 system as a model. (Search: 45 – 15 school year.)
* Foreign language education (Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, etc.) should be mandatory at all educational levels.
* For starters the American system should model itself on either the Japanese or New Zealand public (private) school systems which I consider excellent models. (Use search engine to locate examples.)
* Voluntary nondenominational Prayer/Moment of Silence should be reintroduced and made part of the daily curriculum. (See: Madalyn Murray O’Hare.) America and Europe are
* on their ‘butts as a direct result of showing GOD ‘the door.’
* Cooking (Home Economics, Computer Education, Moral Development, Life Skills, Art, Music, and ‘Gym.’ Physical education should include exercise, swimming, martial arts as self-defense (bully proofing) classes should be taught daily.
* Extra curricular activities should be just that EXTRA and not permitted to disrupt classroom time.
* School cafeteria meals should be wholesome, nutrition, and not highly caloric or sugar laden in content.

We want healthy boys and girls not lazy, disruptive, fat bodies all ‘basket cases’ bordering on Type C diabetes. Good schools provide for a good work force. Only competent workers are capable of creating viable industries. Healthy minds, bodies, and spirits contribute to the total wealth of any society.
If you build it they will work

Complaining over jobs lost to foreign countries is like crying over spilled beer; an utter waste of time and some mighty good brew depending on what brand you bought. LOL! Britain invented the Industrial Revolution but it was the United States who brought the machine age to maturation.

Jesus said: “Let the dead bury the dead.’ Look to the Future.
* Create new industries.
* Build state-of-the-art manufacturing centers.
* Create new markets and trade venues.
* Monitor Wall Street and keep the ‘banksters’ (banking criminals) in check.
* Replace petroleum based fuels with high-powered long-life battery powered modes of transportation and energy. Do this and radical Islam will wither and die. Arab oil fuels Islamic militancy.
* Invest heavily in Research and Development. Usher in a new Age of Inventions.
* Turn science fiction to science fact by employing our best minds to invent a whole new planetary lifestyle the will in time lead humanity to the stars and back!

When this country surrendered to the false gods of greed, materialism, irreligion, deviant sexual behavior, sloth, indecision, the ‘isms’ of race, sex, and a host of other evils America lost its collective soul. Well it’s time to tear the old ‘house’ down and build anew. The old adage of GOD, GUTS, and GET-UP-AND-GO seems appropriate in our current situation.

Current Jobs Plan Bogus


I just finished reading the transcript of President Barack Obama’s Jobs Plan bill. When I read his speech I mentally questioned the President: ‘What new jobs are you proposing? How are you going to ‘work it?” In general I thought the President’s speech was witty, entertaining, but more than a wee bit vague; just my opinion. (See: for transcript of 10/20/11 speech.)

“Tea Time anyone?”
As a writer I have to be impartial in my judgments and visualize all aspects of an argument. I wanted to check-up on those fine Americans who call themselves the Tea Baggers. I read what they had to say. Here’s what I found after reading and listening to their speakers. By my estimates these folks don’t have any concrete plans for ending our current national mess. I heard a lot of name calling, knit-picking, they quoted lot of statistics most of which we already know, and they rattled off a litany of national problems both real and imagined.
That Grand Old Party
One thing you can say about the Republicans, they are organized. After reading their little booklet ‘The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators’ (I didn’t read what the Senate Republicans had to say; felt I didn’t have to at the time.), I got the impression that they were very skilled at talking around situations. Maybe I’m wrong but these were my impressions. Unlike the Democrats and Tea Baggers, there were many methods to their madness. (Go to:
In the second part I’ll address Philippine Adventures Jobs Plan, ending the welfare mentality, rebuilding society, the spiritual dimension, and where Fil-Ams fit into this equation. That’s all; GOD bless.
