


Coming Home to the Philippines -- Tourism Secretary Alberto A. Lim presented the Pinoy Homecoming program to an attentive and enthusiastic gathering of more than 250 professionals, business, community, religious, and travel industry leaders from the US Central Region at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare on June 21, 2011. During his presentation, Secretary Lim stressed the importance of Filipinos overseas’ support in promoting visit and revisit to home country. He encouraged those in attendance to be in the forefront of the campaign for “Pinoy Homecoming Years 2011-2016,” as declared by President Noynoy Aquino.

Best of Both Worlds -- Senator Franklin Drilon was the spokesperson of the legislators’ delegation for the Chicago leg of the Pinoy Homecoming Road Show. He enthusiastically discussed dual citizenship and the Balikbayan Law, and encouraged his audience to join the bandwagon to visit home country, and to encourage 2nd and 3rd generation Filipino Americans to do the same. Senatro Drilon also spoke about some of the misconceptions on dual citizenship, including double taxation, and explained the many benefits of regaining Filipino citizenship. In addition, he and the legislators listened to the opinions of the community on points to enhance the Balikbayan Law.
