


by Fred C. Wilson III
January 21, 2011

“I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as cunning as snakes but as innocent as doves.”
-JESUS CHRIST: Matthew 10:16

WARNING! Before you start reading ‘Slavery in the Philippines’ let me caution you. This is an interactive article, almost like seeing a movie in 3D. If you were to view a movie in three dimensions without proper glasses you’ll miss out on most of the action. In similar fashion, this article, if you read but ignore the visuals listed, you’ll miss 90% of the article’s intent. Words pale in significance in comparison to the visuals. As you read you’ll discover you’ve enough live action videos to last you for hours. There will be frequent pauses as you immerse yourself in this article. Let’s go!

“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person.”
-Benjamin Franklin-

According to ‘Asian Offbeat’ ( the Philippines is the world’s ‘hot spot’ for human organ trafficking. The great strides made in medical transplant and organ storage technologies have made the buying and selling of human organs into a global mega-business. The root cause of why a growing number of people part with their body parts for profit is-you guessed it- POVERTY. $6,000.00 paid to a poor person for a kidney could mean the difference between staying poor or starting a profitable home business. Unscrupulous individuals and organizations in rich countries like Australia, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, the EU (European Union) countries stand to benefit from organ trafficking. To understand more about this global problem here are some questions with answers:
A: Besides the usual culprits (organized crime, dishonest government and business officials, outlaw medical professionals, etc.) there are special syndicates and clinics that procure transplantable body parts for rich clients.
A: Nearly 4,000 Americans die each year waiting for kidney transplants. The average wait time could be as long as five years or more. Many patients waiting for kidneys have died slow and painful deaths. Many wealthy people take the short cut to procuring organs, they pay up front. Transplant doctors working at American hospitals and clinics have been known to steer potential organ recipients to clinics in the Philippines and in other impoverished countries for organ implementation. Some transplant doctors have developed a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when they arrange for transplant tours on line. (Source: New York Times)
A: Putting a halt to this ugly business is extremely difficult. Top level government officials, captains of national and global industries, organized criminality, and a huge host of unsavory entrepreneurs are all in on it. Satan has ‘open field’ in this racket! Dissuading cash strapped farmers in Mindanao, Cebu or rural Thailand they could, for a donation of a kidney or an eye make ‘big money’ to feed their large impoverished families is a hard sell. Here are my suggestions to halt human organ trafficking in the Philippines:
* Enact stronger legislation against corrupt individuals and combines who make money in human organ trafficking.
* Medical scientists should receive government funding to develop reliable artificial organs (grown and or artificial) for human use; end the need end the industry.
* Governments should imprison and or heavily fine all individuals and organizations that engage in human organ trafficking.
* Religious leaders should inform and involve their adherents regarding this global scourge.
* END POVERTY the root cause behind human organ trafficking!
The Philippines is a prime source, transit point, and destination for human trafficking. The number of child victims in the Philippines range from 20,000 to 100,000.  Foreigners on sex tours routinely exploit women and children. The enslavement of children, young men and women for sex has increased the ranks of the worlds’ billionaires astronomically.

Since my 2007 four part expose ‘Child Prostitution: Asia’s Shame’ an increasing number of nations have enacted strict laws punishing offenders accused of engaging in the nefarious sex trade. Private companies now offer bounties for the apprehension of sex slavers. But for every offender who’s apprehended hund-reds if not thousands slip through the cracks of existing legal systems.
How bad is sexual slavery back home? They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. To see how degrading sexual slavery is, type in: The Philippines-Film-Prostitution-Sexual Slavery-Sex… and hear Mila’s story. [View video.] Now click on: Film Segment to view the You Tube short one of several that shows sexual slavery in action. These films should make you cringe to see children and girls being used for immoral purposes. If you ignore these films you’re cheating yourself.

Labor slavery back home is out of control. No amount of writing will ever convince some folks of this abomination. Maybe this will: Type in: You Tube-Human Trafficking in the Philippines and see for yourself. [View video.] Still not convinced? Go to: MSN’s ‘Bing’ menu and click on: Child Labor in the Philippines. Immediately you’ll notice that you’ll have 20 videos to select from all depicting the evils of labor slavery.
Labor traffickers in the Philippines are raking in (making) billions with the sale and transportation of involuntary workers. Human bondage back home is an economy unto itself. It’s 2011 and we’re dogged by the same damnable problems that haunted our forbears. I hope this interactive article shocked you from complacency into action. Christianity is a revolutionary religion but through the centuries we’ve gotten soft. Church once a week is fine but it’s only a start. Christians exist to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable; that’s what they told me in 1954 when I signed on.

Sorry about last edition’s reprint of a former article. My old computer’s motherboard shorted out. GOD willing, this new Dell should do the job. To help you start the New Year right, our next edition will be devoted to “The Seven Daily Habits of Holy Apostolic People” by Father John McCloskey. Till then GOD be with you.

“Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.”
-Sir. Edmund Burke-
