

A Tough Call for President Obama

The devastating loss of the Democrats to the Republicans in the recent midterm elections was written all over the President’s countenance as he faced the press for the first time after the election. In a somber but still cooperative mood, President Obama took questions from the media and answered them with humility and undeniable candor. He quickly took responsibility for the loss of some of his closest allies in the race and once again, opened that door of communication with the opposite party, promising compromise where it is possible and necessary.

Dictionary online defines compromise as a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands. Conventional wisdom dictates that to reach a compromise, both parties have to give up something in favor of another thing that is acceptable to both of them. And this, President Obama is ready to do but not the Republicans.

However, compromise has taken on a new meaning in these days or extreme partisan politics. In a Republican context, specifically, in the words of Senator Mitch McConnell, compromise means the President and his party must abandon all their policies and move in the Republican direction. So, for President Obama to reach a compromise with the Republicans, he must surrender completely and unequivocally, all that he and his party had worked for in the past two years of his administration and become a neo Republican in thoughts and in deed.

He must surrender health care reform, the first in the Republicans’ agenda of Democratic legislations to repeal. Repeal the law that prohibits insurance companies from refusing patients with pre-existing conditions. Repeal the law that allows young adults up to age 26 to be covered by their parents’ medical insurance. Repeal the law that limits out of pocket costs, closes the doughnut hole in prescription drugs for seniors and clamp down on insurance company abuses, among others.

No Sir, Mr. President. The Republicans are not willing to tweak the health care reform law; they want to repeal it and replace it with their own version of health care reform.
There are voices other than these Republicans who clamor for your attention, Mr. President. They want to be heard too. They wanted to be heard way before the elections, just early into your administration when you and this Congress were wasting a vast opportunity to get your legislative agenda passed by unbelievably succumbing to the delaying tactics of your rival party, a minority in Congress.

This is your base that didn’t see you fight for them enough and thus, lost the will to fight for your party in the polls last November 2.

The Republicans didn’t listen but instead, rejected your offers and gestures of bipartisanship when they were in the minority. What makes you think they will listen to you now, when they are largely in the majority in the House of Representatives, Sir? Besides, there is no mistaking John Boehner and Mitch McConnell’s pronouncements that you, President Obama, must change course and take the Republican lead. This, according to them, is the will of the people.

This is not to say, Mr. President, that you and your Democratic Congress haven’t done good things, for there are many to read from the list. The aforementioned health care reforms are good but you gave up on the public option without much of a fight. The credit card reform and revamp of the bank-based student loans program are two of your party’s major achievements but they didn’t quite resonate with the voters. There, too, is the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act guaranteeing equal pay to women. Too bad your achievements got drowned by the propaganda that they are nothing but part of a government takeover. That it’s a scary big government that Democrats are prone to doing…

Now is not the time to surrender your fight, Mr. President. Stand up and be the torch bearer, the kind that you were in 2008 when you were going from state to state bringing hope to the people. Rekindle that fire and be resolute in your aspiration to bring positive change in this dreadful economy.

There is much to be done before your lame duck Congress expires. When it resumes session on November 15, it must have a list of powerful bills to pass. Pass the Dream Act for one and you will not only help these productive youth get their lives together you and your party will have also gained a strong base of voters that will carry you through in 2012.

But first Sir, step out of that classy, decent talking statesman for a while; roll up your sleeves and toughen up. The battle isn’t lost yet; it has just begun!
