

Conflict of Reason

by Carmelita Cochingco Ballesteros.

July 16, 2010

Dear Readers,

More than a century ago today, Valeriano Hernandez y Peña wrote the novel Mag-inang Mahirap. Being the Father of the Tagalog novel, he is a very important writer in Philippine literature. I believe that his novel Mag-inang Mahirap is an essential piece of historical fiction. Thus, every Filipino and everyone with Filipino roots should get to read Mag-inang Mahirap. I am translating it for the benefit of those who cannot read old Tagalog. – Carmelita C. Ballesteros Although Spanish spies were all over the place during the revolution and they were always watching people’s activities inside and outside of towns, there were also a number of rebel counterspies who were able to go back and forth listening to what was happening and bringing news to the rebels in the forests.

And so those who were in the battlefields were kept abreast of everything that was happening in the towns and nothing was kept a secret from them regarding what the officials and their followers did. One piece of news which shattered Alberto’s morale in the battlefield was the verdict to execute the hero Rizal and to shoot him as soon as possible. Because of his great admiration for this hero who had awakened his countrymen to important realities, Alberto suggested to his superior that no matter what happened, they should rescue the honorable life from impending death.

But the superior did not agree with Alberto and said, instead: “You should never use force needlessly when danger lurks.”

“But, sir, who among us,” Alberto asked, “is not in danger right now? Are we not putting our lives on the line for the revolution?” “That’s true, but you should remember that we don’t have the capability to do what you want and it’s very hard to enter Manila. First, we don’t have enough guns; and second, we don’t have enough men to fight the numerous soldiers out there.” “Let’s choose those who are stronger and can fight better than the others.”

“What strength can match bullets?” “Let’s ask the other groups to help.” “No, it’s useless. We shouldn’t risk our lives in an ill-conceived attack.”

“God shall take care of us, sir,” Alberto objected. “It’s going to be a huge problem; don’t insist. It is reckless to take a chance in the face of great danger. Besides, we won’t be the only ones who’ll get killed. The lives of peace-loving citizens shall be wasted, too.” “And why, sir?” “The Spaniards will shoot at everyone if your plan pushes through. Can you imagine how many lives will be wasted? It’s better for us to stay where we are and plan for the long days ahead.”

“And let Rizal die!” “It’s the will of Heaven. Who knows if his death shall usher our success? Don’t you know the saying: ‘When the shoots of a plant are pruned, it bears more fruit’?” “You don’t run out of sayings,” Alberto said with disdain, and added mockingly: “Shoots! But that’s the main root and if it’s lost, everybody shall regret it.” “Who would not regret it? But… what can we do right now?” “Rescue him no matter what happens.” “Boldness is not needed at the moment, Alberto, my friend. There’s a proper time for it.’ “But the moment demands action.” “We have more tasks ahead. Think it over carefully.” “This is the best time. It’s you who should think it over carefully. My plan is sensible.” “Yes, it is, but we have no means. I don’t know if you can dare lead our men; I can’t.” “Are you giving me your consent, sir?” “Yes, but you shall be responsible to the people for whatever tragedy might happen.” “My objective is morally upright.” “I realize that.” “Then we should get moving.” “I am the leader, not you.” Alberto did not reply to these harsh words, but he fumed inside because his plan had been frustrated. Full of resentment, he left his superior without taking a proper leave. His superior took offense and asked him to come back at once.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked with burning eyes. “Who doesn’t know you, sir?” “Answer my question. Do you know that I am your superior who can do whatever I want with you?” “You are my superior, sir, but it doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want even if it’s unreasonable. What wrong have I done?” “You want to challenge me.” “Challenge you! That’s a mad idea! Pardon my speech.” “Insolent! Either a bullet blows you away or you humble yourself before me!” “Oppressing others is not part of the rules in the oath that we signed with our blood.” “So you want to teach me a few lessons?” “I am nothing compared to you, sir,” Alberto said politely, then added: “I would like to remind you, sir, that our honorable rules strictly prohibit oppressing others, but uphold true brotherhood. So why would a bullet blow me away because of a righteous plan?”
“Enough! … shut your mouth.” “If it is right, sir…” Alberto was not able to finish what he was saying because the leader was so mad that he ordered Alberto’s arrest and had him detained for disobedience.

Alberto was detained for three days and was released only after news reached them that they would be attacked in the forest by cazadores.
But Alberto’s release did not alleviate his indignation. Nevertheless, he gnashed his teeth in selfcontrol and said to himself: “For the sake of my country, I must forgive everything.” After several days, they received the bitter news. Rizal was dead! He was dead. Cruelty did not spare the honorable life of a hero, one who had great intelligence, one who loved his motherland and his race completely, exceptionally. The sun shone brightly on that day not because it did not mourn his early death, but because it wanted to show everyone its outrage at the ignobleness of the evil hearts who invented false accusations and carried out the unjust execution of a detestable verdict. Rizal died because of the contemptible sentence, but his honorable death became the dawn in the dark and each drop of his blood became a seed of good character and the immaculate sky looked down benevolently on his motherland.

Since then, the fighting in the battlefields became fiercer, many a heart became more courageous, and like a miracle, the enemies died at the point of daggers.

Everywhere, there was no news but fierce encounters and the Spanish soldiers did not wish to face the battlefields anymore, but they had to live up to their reputation for ‘bravery,’ the only trademark of their heroism. The Spaniards mocked death, but many felt helpless because they could not object to their officials who made the decisions. They were like moths which, knowing that they would burn, still raced with one another to the fire in order to meet their irrevocable fate. Alberto did not notice the passing of time in the forest. Although he had a great apprehension that he might be killed in one of the many encounters, he did not mind the danger as he seemed to be drunk in the company of so many compatriots. But he always remembered the unspeakable death of his father and this was enough to make him rush headlong into fearsome dangers. He wanted to leave the battlefield and go home, but he was stopped by the thought of the great injury that his presence would inflict on his townsfolk, especially to Pilar and her mother who would probably be questioned or jailed because of him.

He drifted with time and waited for the day when he would surely exact his revenge. As the days raced by, the memorable Pact of Biak-na-Bato was signed by both Spanish and Katipunan leaders. Alberto learned about it through the messages sent by the higher command of the revolution. Without wasting a second, he instructed his men that should the Spanish government fail to fulfill its promise, they would immediately come together and rise in arms again to uphold their rights – a duty which they should all discharge zealously.

And so they all went back to their respective hometowns. Alberto’s first joy was the sight of his sweetheart’s face and that of Limbas was his children whom he had not seen for a long time. He was very happy because Pilar had taken good care of the two girls whom he found stout and healthy although they lived in humble circumstances. owever, it so happened that on Alberto’s homecoming, Pilar’s cousin Julia was present. Certain feelings were aroused in Alberto and the irresolute heart of our young man was instantly enchanted. Julia could be said to be very naïve and immature.

During the early days of Pilar and Alberto’s acquaintance, she was only about twelve years old. As time flew, she became a young woman while her cousin Pilar remained engaged to Alberto. The moment Julia saw Alberto, she welcomed him with sweet greetings, aside from meaningful looks which expressed the secrets of her heart. It agitated Alberto and made him forget the serenity of his affection for Pilar. Henceforth, Alberto started to notice Julia’s feelings and he simply could not ignore her actions which expressed fondness for him. Alberto knew very well that aside from Pilar, there was no one else who could satisfy his soul. But neither could he deny his inherently fickle heart nor refuse to take advantage of the mysteries hinted at by the new acquaintance of his heart. Since then, Julia’s relationship with Pilar which used to be sweet and innocent started turning sour. It seemed that Julia resented the thought that Pilar was engaged to Alberto, the first dream of her youth. And so Julia was slowly consumed by an ill feeling towards Pilar. In the meantime, Alberto became more absorbed in enjoying the delightful presence of his new love, Julia.

Pilar did not notice what was happening during the first few days because she did not have the slightest idea that Alberto could be untrue to her. But she was forced to become suspicious by the big change in Julia’s behavior and by the noticeable indifference of Alberto. Employing means that only women were capable of, Pilar did not waste any second in discovering the bitter secret until she was able to get hold of Alberto’s letter to Julia – a letter which stabbed her heart when she read the following lines: “Julia: You have no reason to doubt me anymore. I loved Pilar and met many misfortunes through the years. No matter how much I think about it, we should not have been engaged. You have probably noticed that I seldom see her of late and you know yourself that I have been spending my time in your fascinating company. “Why do you still hesitate to accept my love? Oh! Julia, you should know that you are my only hope now. You fill my soul with sweet imaginings. You are happiness without end. You are the paradise that shall bring joy into my life.

This is enough, Julia; lavish affirmation of truth might make you more suspicious or distrustful. “This is enough, Julia; I will not make any more promises. In time, you will realize that my love is true and eternal. I love you and this is enough to make me happy. How sweet our life would be if this should come to pass! “One yes, Julia, and you can take my life which is really yours and not mine anymore. – Alberto.” “What a solemn promise,” Pilar said to herself in anguish. But after reflecting for a while and because of her intrinsic decency of character, she planned what she ought to do and decided to remain nonchalant. “I won’t let him notice anything,” she told herself, “I’ll forgive everything and I’ll respect whatever he wishes. But… what about my love?

Who will give back to my soul the time that I’ve spent with him? What will happen to me if our engagement is broken? “Ah! It torments my mind just to think about what has happened in my life. How shall I live with someone who’s been unfaithful to me, in case we get married? Oh! I can’t understand it.

“When he comes here, that will be my chance to remind him about our long engagement. It’s improper for me to ask, and I’ve been taking care not to ask him, but I’ll force myself to ask this time. “But I won’t make him feel like I’m rushing him. I just want to know his plans…I’ll pretend that I’ll be going away… then I will know how important I am to him.” Having planned thus, she went down the house as if nothing had happened and occupied herself with her plants.
