


“Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.” -Albert Einstein-

The violent rage within African-American communities has been rekindling for decades. The recent police shootings were the sparks needed to set in motion the tragic turn of events that’s dominating the news media. The glorification of the thuggish or ‘ghetto’ mentality within black communities is a cause of racism in the United States. Unless rational people across the board devise methods to combat America’s original sin, the current troubles between the races will intensify.
I’m conducting an ongoing online poll. I’m taking a global random sampling asking readers opinions on the recent police shootings in black neighborhoods. Prior to polling I gave readers my take on the subject of alleged police brutality and racism. Of the 1,679 respondents 1,300+ agreed with me; some hailed me as ‘the lone voice of reason’ a rational response in the midst of hysteria and confusion. Around 320+ also sided with me, though with strong reservations. The remaining few voiced contrary views, among them one person said I should be strung up from the nearest tree and another wanted me ‘shipped back to Africa in a leaky row boat.’ Among those who partially disagreed identified themselves as African-American. They accused me for not going far enough with my questioning. Reader, if you want to read the 1,679 responses I’ve logged so far write; I’ll email my findings. The question of race in America has many conflicting voices. This article is the ‘long version’ of my ongoing survey on race relations in the United States.
The 1960’s were turbulent times. Months after the infamous West Side Riots in wake of Dr. King’s assassination I was almost shot by the police. I had a job with Sears at their then world headquarters before they relocated to the Sears Tower (Willis Tower). The job paid lousy but was far better than unemployment. Besides, the dudes I worked with were a fun bunch. I was the only person in our group who had a car. I volunteered to give some of ‘the brothers’ lifts to their destinations. My good deed almost cost me my life. I accidentally rear ended another motorist a young white woman who was passing through that neighborhood. With the riots in recent memory and the expressway to the suburbs mere blocks away I wondered why she was there in the first place.
When the police arrived to investigate I stopped my car, got out to present the Officers with my credentials. My passengers did likewise. The two white officers nervously left their squad car. Reader picture this; a car full of six angry young black men, two rookie white cops, a very agitated white female with me in the middle. Tension was boiling! Both ‘sides’ went for their guns! With me standing between two armed camps I would have been killed! Reason ruled the day; I immediately turned, faced my passengers and ordered them to quietly return to the car; they obeyed. I slowly turned and faced the cops, told them I was going in my pocket to remove my driver’s license with vehicle registration card then slowly approached the two officers who holstered their weapons. Once inside their car things quickly calmed down and friendly conversation ensued. The girl shouted at me then the officers screamed at her. I took the ticket, left the car on a friendly note and went home after I dropped my passengers off. It was good to be alive. Weeks later I went to Traffic Court. The officers vouched for me and the judge dismissed the case; end of story. If more young black/brown men cooperate with police officers perhaps the recent spate of events would have never taken place.
Chicago Park District life guards and the non-white communities whose beaches they patrol have rarely hit it off. Years ago white life guards patrolling black/brown beaches were required to wear side arms. Blacks/Latinos got fed up with their being harassed and beat up a few guards. Reader how would you like it if somebody who’s 1/3 your age started insulting you in front of your wife, girlfriend your family often for no apparent reason? To add oil to the fire having a black chief executive in the White House that a large portion of this country lost faith in has only intensified distrust between the races.
Many minority Americans glorify the thug life style. Naming children ‘Lil’ Gangster,’ listen to music that lionize gang violence and dishonor women, glorify illiteracy and promote anti-social behavior. Theyonly earn minority peoples hate and distain from the larger and better armed white community. The underlining message of popular TV series ‘Doomsday Preppers’ was written primarily to teach viewers how to neutralize domestic threats not thwart foreign invasions. Responsible people within African-American/Latino communities must put an end to their admiration of all things violent. When stopped by police a simple ‘Yes Officer; no Officer’ is sufficient. Pointing guns at cops ain’t cool; you will get shot.
When I was in high school I had a reputation as a ‘bad ass.’ If our school had two fights on any given day you can bet I was in one of them. I was never a bully but convinced the cops I wasn’t about to be bullied. Not only did they buy my line for the next 20 years I was subject to random police pick ups. The officers would plead with me to join the Force. In those days it was a common practice for the police to recruit the tough kids. I never signed on; bad temper. Reader people with anger issues shouldn’t be involved in law enforcement nor criminality; both attitudes will get you killed!
In the past if blacks/browns dared criticize their respective group’s thuggish sub-cultures they’d be branded as ‘uncle toms’ or ‘malinchustas/vendido’s.’ They’d be accused of trying to ‘act white.’ Only now have a few brave souls come forth to tell it like it is. It’s high time for non-whites to admit to their particular racial group’s failings. It is imperative for them to police their fools and devise ways to remedy negative situations. Blacks/browns are routinely murdered, raped and brutalized more by other blacks/browns than by whites. Racial animosities will disappear when both ‘sides’ admit failure and join forces to work towards equitable solutions. Playing the blame game is counterproductive.
Regarding the recent spate of police-civilian shootings it’s hard to determine guilt or innocence. Reader, were we there at each incident; do we know all the facts? Whenever a police officer is shot this demonstrates a lack of respect for the law a scenario deadly for any society. Whenever rogue officers take the law in their own hands they provide minority communities with ammunition to retaliate. National and individual survival is insured only when citizens respect the law and those whose vocation it is to serve and protect do so; next edition how the current police shootings affect Asian-Americans. To be continued
