

A Marching Order for P-Noy

July 9, 2010

Dear President Aquino,

In your inaugural speech, you said we, the people, were your Boss, and that you would listen to us. Now, Mr. President, please execute this one vital marching order for you as a priority, starting immediately. With due respect, Mr. President, your security is very lax, and we fear for your life. We, the people, love you. You are our only hope to save the Philippines at this crucial juncture in our history. We do not want to lose you, or give you any excuse to leave us.

As convenor of the US Pinoys for Noy-Mar in Las Vegas, my wife Farida and I and our contingent from the United States, had the privilege of attending your inauguration on June 30th followed by an audience with you in Malacanang the day after. I noted that on both occasions anyone posing as a member of our group could have easily slipped through the supposedly “secured and restricted area,” joined us, got close to you, and harmed you, all because of the laxity and the existing deficiency in the security protocol.

I was able to deliberately enter the “restricted” perimeter of the Quirino Grandstand, without showing my invitation card and ticket or any ID while the security officer was busy putting a sticker on Farida’s camera.

I was even able to go up to the grandstand repeatedly ( I was looking for our friends, the family of Mrs. Josephine Cojuangco Reyes, who waved at us when we were on our chartered bus at the inauguration site). At the security gate to Malacanang July 1st, I heard someone say the metal scanner was not out of order. The guardhouse was crowded. I saw two members of our delegation going in without realizing they had to register first, until a member of our group informed them. The same laxity existed at the lobby registration before the Reception Hall.

When my family and I were invited on 3 occasions to Malacanang by President Cory, the security was consistently tight, very tight, in all those 3 visits. I realize that the times then were more tenuous, but the danger is no less treacherous today.

The present risk may even be so subtle as to induce over confidence and escape detection. An honest leader like you is the arch-enemy of the crooks and plunderers in the government. They have been threatened and intimidated by your expeditious strict implementation of good governance and speedy executive actions against corruption in any form hours after your assumption into office. This makes for an even more dangerous situation for you, as real danger now lurks everywhere.

An honest President naturally breeds a lot of enemies, otherwise he is not doing his job well. And there are dozens of other reasons why your security must be beefed up to the fullest, even if you feel you are loved and protected by the people.

More than 15 millions of us labored hard for your landslide victory, and you owe us. You owe us the duty and obligation to stay ALIVE and HEALTHY to fulfill your promises to us to save our nation from corruption and poverty, and realize our common dream of a Great Philippines. We received and accepted our marching orders from you. Now, Mr. President, as your Boss, we are giving you our vital marching order: Secure your
perimeter by listening to your security team. Your life and your health are no longer yours alone. They now also belong to the nation and to us, “We, the People.”

You are the priceless gem the Divine Providence has gifted us as an answer to our prayers. Please protect it for us.

Respectfully yours,
Philip S. Chua
Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS
Filipino United Network – USA
