Smoking is slow-suicide

Smoking kills. It is that plain and simple. There is no more doubt today that tobacco (cigarette smoking) is the predominant cause of lung cancer, besides other malignancies and cardiovascular diseases that maim, kill men and women and hurt our society, especially our children. Continue reading

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How to reduce cancer risk

The big “C” is arguably the most dreaded of all diseases, with its general reputation as a fast killer. While other serious illnesses are also horrible, including Alzheimer’s dementia, the devastating nature of almost all forms of cancer understandably instills extreme fear in all of us. Continue reading

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Wonders of exercise

Yes, very much so. To illustrate a point, let us exaggerate and consider a situation that is extreme: a person who is bedridden, a stroke victim or a quadriplegic, someone practically unable to move. What happens? The muscles all over the body atrophy and in most Continue reading

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MERS-CoronaVirus is deadly

What is MERS-CoV? Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a deadly viral respiratory illness caused by corona virus. Since it was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012, it has been named “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus” (MERS-CoV). It is a dreaded viral disease with a high fatality rate. Continue reading

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Does the fetus have rights?

I redrafted this column last Sunday after greeting my 95-year-old Mom a Happy Mother’s Day. I am eternally grateful to her for respecting my rights, for caring and protecting me when I was a fetus in her womb. My admiration also goes to all mothers around the world who value and cherish all their children. A belated Happy Mother’s Day to them. Continue reading

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Marijuana deaths staggering

Since marijuana was legalized in California in 1996 (the latest one, Maryland, in 2014), more deaths have been reported from the use of this substance. Continue reading

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Our self-healing power

In spite of all the powerful inventions of man, including the super computers and other state-of-the-art electronic devices, they have not come close to matching the amazing super human body. Even the production of these man-made machines cannot compare with the wonderful miracle of creation itself Continue reading

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Lovemaking and health, etc.

Why is lovemaking good for us?
Scientific evidences suggest that clean sex is good for us in more ways than one. Here are some of the dozen reasons why it is so. Continue reading

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E-cigarettes: harmful

The world is always fascinated by new discovery and novelty. One such item is the electronic cigarettes. Since medical science has shown that there are around 4000 (not 400) toxic agents in cigarettes and proven beyond reasonable doubt that cigarette smoking ravages the human body, maims, and kills, researchers and resourceful venture capitalists tried to find a “healthier” alternative to smoking tobacco. Hence, electronic cigarette, or “e-cig,” appeared from behind a smoke screen. Continue reading

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Should soft drinks be banned?

In a previous column, we wrote that soft drinks, which I called “liquid candy,” cola or uncola, diet or regular, “are unhealthy, especially for children. Not only because the regular ones are loaded with sugar (high carbo, super calories), but because of the other adverse effects all these soft drinks (without exception!) have on people’s health.”   Continue reading

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