Preventable Deaths

In 2005, a 128-page report from the World Health Organization in Geneva stated that “nearly 400 million people will die from heart diseases, diabetes and other chronic ailments over the next 10 years, but many of those deaths can be prevented by healthier lifestyles and inexpensive medications.” Continue reading

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Sleep and cancer

There are many known carcinogens, cancer-causing agents or factors in our environment that damage the DNA in our body cells, transforming normal cells and tissues in our organs to grow uncontrollably and explosively, resulting in cancer which usually kills the patient. Continue reading

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Tainted food handlers’ gloves

There are more and more fast food chains requiring their food handler to use gloves when preparing food items, as an indication of hygiene and food safety. The idea, on the surface, appears to be a good one. The practice … Continue reading

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The impact of grandparents

Countless scientific studies in different countries have been done on the influence of grandparents on their grandkids concerning various facets in the life of the children. The better known researches were performed in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Continue reading

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Enterovirus: polio-like

On top of the Ebola scare, we now have enterovirus D68 infecting children and producing polio-like symptom, including limb paralysis in some.
The poliomyelitis epidemic in the United States dates back to 1894. At the height of this viral illness (first cases were in Vermont) in 1952, which produced limb paralysis, there were 60,000 cases, 3000 of them fatal. In 1953, Jonas Salk developed the injectable Salk vaccine for polio and the cases dropped by 85 percent to 90 percent two years later. Continue reading

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Alchohol increases cancer risk

The abuse of alcohol is the leading risk factor for disability and premature death in the world. Besides tobacco an other harmful agents, alcohol is the most common cause of many illnesses in our midst, cancer included. Alcohol-related deaths claim almost 80,000 lives each year in the United States alone. Worldwide, it kills 2.5 million annually. Continue reading

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Suicide: Who are prone?

Since comedian Robin Williams, 63, hanged himself on August 11, 2014, people have been wondering how a person could kill himself, what triggers suicide, and how this disease of the mind could be prevented. Continue reading

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Silent Heart Attack

Many patients with coronary heart disease have no chest pains or other symptoms indicative of ischemia (diminished blood flow and oxygen to the coronary arteries that supply the muscles of the heart). As such, this silent (asymptomatic) type of ischemia is treacherous and increases the risk of sudden and unexpected death and other cardiac events. Symptoms, in any illness, are the body’s defense alert system, a good warning sign that allows the affected individual time to do something pre-emptive to protect itself and prevent serious complications, like in seeking prompt medical help. Silent ischemia could strike an individual surreptitiously, causing heart attack or even cardiac arrest. These are the sudden deaths we all hear about every now and then, where the victims do not even know or realize the dangerous situation they are in. Continue reading

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Toxic items to avoid

We are surrounded by hundreds of products that are deleterious to our health, including foods, beverages, aerosols, and chemicals for our kitchen and bathrooms, that are toxic to our body. This had led to the rise in the incidence of various forms of illnesses, from respiratory (emphysema, asthma, COPD, etc.), cardiovascular (high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, etc), metabolic (diabetes II, thyroid disease, etc) and cancers of various organs. Continue reading

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A travesty of justice

N ow that the three musketeers of the pork barrel scam, and their mastermind Muse and Cheerleader Janet Napoles, are behind bars, and all the rest of their fellow (35 or so) plunderers or conspirators joining them, another deviant facet of our Philippine culture, besides the culture of corruption, has started to emerge and come under the spotlight once again. Continue reading

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