Eight Don’ts After A Meal

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

Aug 13, 2010

There are many myths floating around concerning various subjects. Some of them are about what NOT to do after a meal. These were emailed to me by a friend for scientific verification. Myths are obviously the fruit of partial or total ignorance, and speculations, handed down from generation… Continue reading

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The “Filipino Time” Syndrome

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

Aug 6, 2010

The “Filipino Time” Syndrome Whenever I hear the notorious excuse or description “Filipino Time,” I feel a grave insult is hurled at my people, even if the generalization is usually uttered by fellow Filipinos themselves. The defensive rationalization is usually accompanied by a snicker or laughter, a demeanor that trivializes the … Continue reading

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Coffee Reduces Diabetes Risk

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

July 30, 2010

Does coffee drinking reduce the risk for diabetes?

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine January 6, 2004 suggested that regular coffee drinking “reduces the risk” for the development of Type II (adult onset) diabetes mellitus. Which type of coffee? The research, which was conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, showed that caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee are both beneficial in lowering the risk…
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Prevent Alzheimer’s

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

July 23, 2010

Alzheimer’s, a severely devastating disease of the brain that, in an instant, totally robs and erases the person’s memory, is a nightmare everyone fears. When it occurs, it happens so fast like transforming a well-lit room into total darkness with a flip of a switch. The entire memory bank is emptied, turning even a great, talented mind and a charismatic communicator, like the late President Ronald Reagan, one of the best… Continue reading

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Warning on Weight-Loss Products

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

July 16, 2010

If you are taking, or planning to take, any products (pills, portion or lotion, food supplements, or herbals) to help you lose weight, here is a wake-up call for you. For at least the past three decades, we have been warning our readers about the dangers of weight control aids, especially those sold on the streets, in health food or herbal shops or organic food stores, marketed as “effective and safe.” In spite of the reported… Continue reading

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Wisdom Capsules

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

July 9, 2010

Healthy Dish

Omega 3 Fish Oil (Omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA) is a popular supplement to eating fish for its cardioprotective benefit. It can lower blood pressure, help new brain cells regenerate and reduce the risk of the development of Alzheimer’s, minimize inflammation, and is a great aid in the management of cholesterol and arthritis. It also boosts the immune system. When digested, fish oil breaks down to hormone-like ingredients called prostaglandins, which reduced inflammation, like in arthritis (inflammation of the joints).

This leads to lesser need for pain medications, as it also lubricates the joints. Fish oil is also good for autoimmune diseases. Indeed, a versatile supplement. Daily exercises, eating fish and vegetables at least 3 times a week, and abstaining from red meat and egg yolk is the healthy way to go, for children and adults alike. Veggies Protect the Stomach Those taking NSAID drugs like ibuprofen, and other anti-arthritis pain
medications regularly can be victims of stomach irritation which could result in ulcers and bleeding complication. Continue reading

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Obesity: A Killer

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

July 2, 2010
Look anywhere, or better yet, go to a hamburger restaurant or a junk food store, and you will surely see children who are overweight, if not obese, a growing timebomb, clicking and soon ready to explode. Many times, both of the parents and the other siblings are also overweight. Statistically, one in three children and adolescents is overweight, even higher in some minority segment of society. Indeed, there is an obesity epidemic around us, more appropriately, a pandemic, since this unfortunate situation is happening all over the world, except perhaps in Africa and other third world countries where famine is the other extreme that is killing children prematurely. This pandemic started in the 1970s, when society was not weight-conscious and the unpopular medical warnings were simply ignored. As a result, today we have a third of the children population of the world who have fallen victims to a potentially deadly condition called childhood obesity. Continue reading

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Myths About Heart Diseases

by Dr. Philip S. Chua.

June 25, 2010

Sex is bad for the heart.

On the contrary, sex is good for the heart. The morphine-like opiates and other good hormones our own body secretes during sex or during any happy activities or thought processes we have, the physical exercise during sex, and the healthy outlet it provides both partners, actually benefit the heart. Only those with untreated coronary artery disease or heart failure could get into trouble during sex. With proper treatment and medical guidance, these patients can indulge in sex safely. Heart attack is a treacherous enemy. It must be detected and treated before it strikes. This is why medical consultation is important among men or women over 40 years old, or among the younger ones who have symptoms or concerns about their health. Continue reading

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